Chapter 34

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Lauren's POV

*2 weeks later*

"You're kidding me right?" Camila scoffed and Lauren laughed, looking at a cute blouse Camila had handed her in the maternity section of H&M.

"No I promise," Lauren crossed her heart. "Zayn told me that that's what Harry said."

"What a dirty little liar! He's the one who's 'scared of hurting the baby'," Camila added air quotes making Lauren laugh. "I don't care, Aiden should meet his maker." Lauren continued laughing and shook her head.

"No you didn't," Lauren said between chuckles.

"I did," Camila laughed. "I'm just dying to have sex Laur, dying! Ever since I got pregnant all I want is for Harry to be touching me constantly and now that's evolved into want to have sex constantly but Harry won't. He's all like: 'No banana head, I don't want to hurt our little monkey, how about I just go down on you'," Camila mocked Harry's accent making Lauren laugh again. "I mean..yeah sure by all means but come on, show me the penis, I need it!" Camila exclaimed, earning a couple weird looks from the people in around them in the store. Lauren smacked Camila's arm and hushed her. "Ugh who cares, I'm pregnant. They have to deal with it," Camila rolled her eyes.

"I don't think it works like that," Lauren chuckled. "Strangers don't have to put up with your craziness."

"Speaking of craziness, you know what I was thinking about the other day?" Camila mentioned.

"What?" Lauren waited for her response.

"You know how we like talked about how quickly everything moved for you and Zayn. Like, you guys met, fell in love and now look at where you are?" Camila paused looking at Lauren who nodded. "It's not such a crazy thing when you really think about it though because pretty much the same exact thing happened with me and Harry. The only difference is that I met him once you two were already dating." Lauren thought about it for a moment and realized what Camila was saying was completely true. They'd both fallen in love within the time span of a month or two, moved in with their loves in less than a year and gotten pregnant and engaged in a little over a year.

"You're right..I'd never really thought about it. I guess we really do, do everything together," Lauren laughed and Camila smiled.

"Does it ever scare you? Like do you feel like we've rushed everything and it's going to fall apart at any second?" Camila asked.

"I used to, but when Zayn asked me to marry him, he told me something that's stuck with me and erased the fear that we were doing this all too soon from my head," Lauren stated.

"What did he say?" Camila wondered.

"He told me this quote; 'Better three hours too soon than one minute too late'. It made me realize that it didn't matter that we were young and it didn't matter that we didn't have everything figured out, the truth was/is that we love each other unlike anything else. We knew in our heads that we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives, when you find a love like what I have with Zayn or what you have with Harry you can't just let it slip away because you're scared about what'll happen over time. He and I have grown together and will continue to; I'm sure you've done the same with Harry. The fact that we're learning how to be adults and now parents with them is something special I think. I think it just bonds us deeper with them. I'm not even a hundred percent sure if anything I'm saying is relevant or making sense," Lauren chuckled, "but I am a hundred and fifty percent sure that I'd rather be somewhere three hours too soon with Zayn than one minute too late without him. So no, the amount of time this has all happened in doesn't scare me, not anymore."

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