Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

"Laur, are you ready?" Lauren heard Zayn call as she finished her makeup in the bathroom.

"Almost," Lauren called back as she brought her red lipstick to her lips.

"Stop putting so much of that stuff on, you're perfect without it," Zayn said appearing randomly at the doorway again, making Lauren jump and smudge lipstick outside the line of her lip.

"Oh my sweet at that sentiment was you really need to stop scaring the shit out of me, this is the second time today," Lauren mentioned as she wiped the lipstick off the area it had extended to.

"Why are you so jumpy," Zayn chuckled, "you know I'm in the room."

"Yeah but I don't expect it and it's kind of just a habit, it happens after having to deal with Dinah and her moronic pranks for so many years," Lauren explained closing her lipstick.

"Speaking of Dinah, how'd it go when you guys talked to her earlier," Zayn mentioned the conversation Lauren and the girls had pulled Dinah aside to have once they had made their way back down to the beach a couple hours prior.

"It went well, she explained to us that they actually did talk about everything and they wanted to keep talking but the rest of the girls wanted to leave cause Brad had gotten to the party, so that's why Nela came back here with her. They pretty much got over the little hump they'd been trying to push passed, that's why he was still here with us all day. Is Niall coming tonight by the way?" Lauren wondered as she applied some mascara.

"Uhm, maybe, I haven't really talked to any of the guys, why?" Zayn asked as he leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

"Cause he was kinda the start of Dinah and Nela's problems, remember at your birthday party when I saw her alone at the bottom of the stairs and she told me Nela was mad cause he said Niall was flirting with Dinah," Lauren reminded Zayn.

"Honestly...I don't," Zayn laughed, "I was too busy looking at you, I wasn't paying attention to what you were talking about."

Lauren laughed and caressed the side of Zayn's face, "Well yeah, that's when it started so if he comes it might be a bit awkward with them."

"I don't think Niall would try or tried to get at Dinah though, especially since he knows she's with Nela. Niall isn't crazy, Nela's huge and he knows he'd probably get his ass beat," Zayn chuckled.

"Well we didn't really hang with the whole group much so I didn't really notice if Niall was actually flirting but apparently Nela swears he was, who knows. At least they fixed things, kinda sucks it was after prom though, Dinah was bummed about all of us going with our boyfriends while she went with her cousin," Lauren explained.

"Well," Zayn sighed, "what can you do, it's already in the past and being stuck in the past is like walking with your back facing front, you'll miss out on what's ahead of you."

"Okay Mr. Philosopher, stop being so lame, let's go," Lauren chuckled turning off the bathroom light.


"What are you staring at," Lauren questioned as she and Zayn descended in the elevator.

"That's a nice dress," Zayn indirectly answered Lauren.

Lauren did a little 360 as if she was modeling the tight black dress, doing a pose at the end that made Zayn laugh.

"You're such a dork," Zayn chuckled draping his arm over Lauren's shoulders.

"But I'm your dork," Lauren smiled up at Zayn while intertwining her fingers with the hand Zayn had on her shoulders.

"And I couldn't be any happier about that," Zayn brought Lauren's forehead to his lips as the elevator reached the bottom floor.

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