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*5 years later*
Lauren awoke to the sound of music blaring throughout the house. She opened her eyes to find an empty bed and stretched slowly before sitting up. Zeus laid at the foot of the bed and she pet him gently, "Morning you old dog." Lauren smiled as he looked up at her but remained laying down as Lauren stood up and walked towards the staircase of her and Zayn's home. She made her way towards the living room and laughed when she saw their three year old daughter bouncing on the couch as Stevie Wonder's 'Isn't She Lovely' played from the surround sound of the living room.

"Mommy! Good morning!" the pint sized girl hopped off the couch and ran over to Lauren, hugging her leg tightly.

"Good morning Kari," Lauren used the nickname they'd called her, her whole life. After graduation from the University of Miami, Zayn and Lauren found out they were having another and girl they wanted her name to mean something relating to miracles. Yaser suggested Karishma which literally meant miracle and it pertained to Zayn's background so they both liked it and stuck with it.

"What are you doing up crazy girl," Lauren asked as she ran her hands through her daughters brown hair. Kari looked up at Lauren and she was met with her blue eyes.

"Daddy woked me up," Kari smiled before running over to the small iPad that was connected to the surround sound and restarting the same song again.

"It's woke baby, not woked," Lauren corrected her daughter who was in the stage of learning new words and how to put them into sentences.

"Okay mommy," Kari giggled. "Look daddy showed me this song before he left, he said its my song mommy!" 

Of course Lauren had heard the song plenty before, they used to sing it to Kari when she was a baby to put her to sleep but now seeing how she reacted when she could actually understand the lyrics warmed Lauren's heart.

"Isn't she luhblee, isn't she wonderful, isn't she precious, less than one minute old," Kari held one of her small fingers up as she jumped back up on the couch. Lauren laughed at her daughter, she was quiet the character at times.

"I never thought, true love would be, making one as lovely as she; but isn't she lovely made from love," Lauren sang back to Kari, standing in front of her and nuzzling her nose against the girls tiny one making her chime her adorable laugh.

"Oh mommy, it's lovely?" Kari asked, emphasizing on the v.

"Yes nugget, you got it," Lauren kissed her forehead gently. "I need you to turn that down a little bit though, okay? I don't want you to wake up your little brother," Lauren stated squeezing Kari's cheek softly.

"Ugh mommy please let me keep it," Kari pressed her hands together and pouted at Lauren pleadingly.

"I didn't say you had to turn it off mama, I just said to turn it down a little bit," Lauren grabbed Kari's hands and kissed the back of them before walking to the surround sound and lowering the volume a bit.

"Nene is such a party pooper," Kari crossed her arms and pouted, hopping off the couch and grabbing her blankie before following Lauren to the kitchen. "Can't you just wake him up mommy, nene sleeps too much," Kari said about her brother Axel who she'd call nene since he was born; the x having been a bit difficult for the toddler to pronounce before.

"He's a baby, Kari. He need to sleep," Lauren explained to the young girl, "what do you want for breakfast?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bananis! Titi Mila makes them for me, Maddie and Aiden all the time. Can you do it mommy, please?" Kari asked and Lauren gave her a small smile and nodded, causing Kari to run off to the couch again excitedly and dance to the music.

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