Chapter 23

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Lauren awoke slightly to the sound of an alarm and felt Zayn turn to his nightstand, removing his arms from around her and turning it off before sitting up. She tried to open her eyes but they felt too heavy to try again after one failed attempt. Lauren heard Zayn sigh as he pulled the comforter higher up on Lauren's body.

"Babe.." Lauren mumbled reaching for Zayn's body sleepily.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Zayn said quietly as he caressed Lauren's cheek.

"Do you really have to go," Lauren rasped as she slightly opened her eyes.

"Unfortunately, yes," Zayn sighed as Lauren tightened her extended arm around Zayn's waist and placed her head on his lap. Zayn played with Lauren's hair a bit and she felt herself dozing off again.

"Can we have lunch together," Lauren mumbled almost unintelligibly as the sleep began to consume her again.

"That would be amazing," Zayn said placing a kiss on Lauren's temple. "My lunch break is at 12:30, you want to meet me there?"

"Mhm," Lauren managed and she felt Zayn slowly stand up from underneath her and place a pillow under her head.

"I'll see you then, sweet dreams baby," Zayn quietly responded before placing a quick kiss on Lauren's cheek.


Lauren awoke again to the feeling of someone sliding into bed with her, the sun wasn't up yet so Lauren figured it was Zayn coming to say goodbye.

"Zayn?" Lauren questioned as her eyes fluttered open.

"Not quite, but hopefully I can suffice," Camila stated as she laid on her side facing Lauren.

"Oh Camz, are you okay?" Lauren questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just-I always feel weird sleeping without Harry in his room," Camila sighed.

"Why?" Lauren chuckled a bit before yawning.

"I don't know, I just miss him. They just left like ten minutes ago and even though I'm tired as shit, I couldn't fall asleep in there. So I came to my extremely cuddly and comfortable best friend," Camila elaborated as she cuddled up to Lauren's side. Lauren laughed a bit as Camila rested her head on her shoulder. "How about you, did things end up okay with Zayn?"

"Yeah we talked about it and he was jealous but he said he acted inappropriately about it so he apologized and I did too cause I shouldn't have waited to tell him, I mean if it was a girl who cares but it's a guy and he just got scared seeing a random dudes number in my phone," Lauren explained.

"Hm, I see. Well I'm glad you guys are better now. Are you still gonna try to be friends with Luke?" Camila asked.

"Yeah I you think that's a bad idea?" Lauren wondered what Camila's opinion was.

"No, I don't. He seems like he'll be respectful about your relationship, you can't just assume he's a bad guy; give him a shot to show he'll be a cool friend," Camila stated.

"Yeah I was hoping he'd be someone like that, we'll see," Lauren sighed.

"I'm glad you're better now, I hate seeing you cry like that cookie. Especially over something so silly," Camila mentioned as Lauren fought her tired eyes.

"I know, thank you for being the greatest best friend a girl could ask for though," Lauren responded wrapping her arm around Camila and hugging her lightly.

"Always," Camila responded as she cuddle up to Lauren's side more. "By the way, Harry needs one more person to finish his portfolio and he wanted me to ask you if you could pose for it. He says you'd be great cause of the light eyes dark hair contrast, he doesn't have any of that in there now."

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