Chapter 9 (part 2)

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Lauren and Zayn made their way back to where Harry and Camila were sitting on the swing but it was empty.

"Where the hell did they go, I told him to stay there with her," Lauren said looking around the backyard, Harry and Camila nowhere in sight.

"Maybe they went to get some water or something, I'm sure Camila's throat was bothering her since it was her first time," Zayn said.

"Maybe, let's find them, I shouldn't have left her," Lauren said shaking her head.

"Relax, I'm sure she's fine," Zayn tried to reassure her, rubbing the back of Lauren's hand with his thumb.

They made their way towards the house and the rest of the group was still sitting by the bonfire.

"Oi Liam, you seen Harry?" Zayn called out to Liam.

"He went inside like a minute ago with Camila, didn't say where they were going," Liam responded.

Zayn nodded and they made their way into the house. The pair checked the kitchen and dining room for Harry and Camila and they did not see them. They then went to check the makeshift dance floor that was created in the living room and Lauren saw Camila dancing with Harry on the floor that was dimly lit. Camila genuinely looked like she was having a good time and Lauren wondered if she should bother her. Lauren decided to at least let Camila know that they were back and she made her way over to her.

"Camz," Lauren said approaching Camila.

"Laur!" Camila said wrapping her arms around Lauren and hugging her tightly. "I love you, I'm having such a good time, thank you for bringing me."

Lauren chuckled at Camila's state, "No problem Camz, I'm glad you're having fun, I thought you guys were gonna wait for us outside though, I got worried," Lauren said eyeing Harry.

"Don't look at me, I told her to wait but she kept saying she couldn't sit still and wanted to come dance," Harry said putting his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"You don't have to worry about me so much Lo, I'm fine, I promise. I just wanted to come dance," Camila said, "you guys should dance too!"

Lauren look at Zayn, "Sure, why not," Zayn said smiling as he came up behind Lauren and placed his hands on her hips and a kiss on her neck.

Camila smiled at Lauren as she started dancing with Harry again.

One night by Jasmine V started playing, Lauren slowly moved her backside against Zayn and she felt him move his hands from her hips to the loops on both sides of her jeans, pulling their bodies closer together. Lauren looked over her shoulder at Zayn who still had his lips near Lauren's neck.

'Just stay here with me one night
Just one night

What, don't know if I can but I'll try

You know I love that little look in your eye you gave me

Here's the keys to my coupe, go drive me crazy

Gotta ride for them boys if allowing me ain't me'

Lauren felt Zayn's breath against her neck and it sent chills all over her body. She moved her hands to his and brought them from the loops of her jeans to the flesh of her stomach that the crop top she wore exposed.

'Baby I'm the one to make your day

I'm the one to make your bed

But baby you'll never know it

Way you runnin' round here yeah
you never know it

I know you 'bout your bread

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