Chapter 17

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*June 4th; the day before graduation*

"Lauren!! Come quickly!!" Lauren heard Clara call from downstairs as she was picking out an outfit for graduation.

She made her way downstairs and saw her mother standing at the dining room table with the mail.

"You have an envelope from the University of Miami," Clara smiled handing Lauren the white envelope that had the schools name and colors printed on it, along with hers.

Lauren instantly worried when she saw the size of the envelope, it was rather small compared to all the others she had received, and she had been accepted to all the schools she applied to. Lauren still hadn't accepted any of the others because she was waiting to here back from her dream school but by the looks of it Lauren began to think she may have to try and pick another.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Clara asked as Lauren stared at the envelope.

"I'm scared to, can you open it," Lauren asked looking at her mom.

"Sure," Clara easily responded taking the envelope back.

As Clara slid her finger under the edge of the sealed part of the envelope Lauren felt her heart begin to race a bit. Clara pulled the folded letter out and began reading it, Lauren watched her mothers eyes shift as she read but her expression never changed.

"Well?" Lauren urged.

"You're officially a hurricane," Clara smiled handing Lauren the letter.

"Oh my god no way!" Lauren grabbed the letter as she jumped up and down a bit.

"Congratulations mama, I'm so proud of you," Clara said hugging her daughter with a full grin. "I'm going to call your Dad and tell him, he's going to be so happy!" Clara said before wandering off to find her cell phone.

Lauren ran back upstairs to her room with the letter still tightly clutched in her hand. She picked up her phone and dialed Zayn's number, after a few rings he picked up.

"Baby I'm so sorry I know you were taking a nap but I just got my acceptance letter into UM!" Lauren exclaimed, still not fully believing she got into her dream school.

"That's a perfectly valid reason to wake me up, don't apologize. Congrats love, I knew they'd accept you, how would they not," Zayn mentioned waking up a bit more. "Does it say anything about why it took them so damn long?"

"No, it doesn't. I actually thought it was going to be a denial cause the envelope was small compared to the big welcome packets I got from the rest but it said in the letter that they'll send the welcome packet once I select the day for my orientation. They're also offering to pay for my tuition," Lauren mentioned.

"Oh wow, that's amazing Laur, and that's all based off your academics?" Zayn wondered.

"Yeah I'm guessing," Lauren responded as she looked at the letter again.

"You're such a smarty pants," Zayn yawned.

"Thanks babe, I'm gonna let you go so you can sleep," Lauren said after hearing Zayn yawn.

"No, no, I'm gonna come over now. Once I shower," Zayn stated.

"Are you sure you don't wanna sleep more? You can just come at 7 like you were originally going to," Lauren said feeling guilty about cutting his sleep short.

"No babe, I'll see you in 30 minutes," Zayn persisted.

"Alright, alright," Lauren gave in.

"I'm really proud of you Lauren and I'm so glad you got what you've been dreaming of," Zayn mentioned.

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