Chapter 40

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*June 10th; Wedding Morning*

Lauren rolled over groggily as the sunlight peered in from the window.

"Zayn," Lauren sighed as she outstretched her arm to reach for him.

"Home girl, you know I love you but I'm not your boo. Don't get any ideas," Lauren heard Dinah's voice say, causing her to flicker her eyes open; suddenly realizing where she was.

"Remind me again how I got stuck bunking with you the night before my wedding," Lauren groaned, rolling onto her back. All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen were staying in the hotel where they were having the wedding and reception so that they could help Zayn and Lauren get ready for the big day ahead of them. Though they were sleeping in the same hallway, Lauren and Zayn had been taken away from each other almost by force around 11 o'clock the night before, preventing them from seeing each other on the morning of their wedding.

"Well your mom wants you guys to keep away from each other till you're walking down the aisle, you know, superstitions and stuff," Dinah said as Lauren slowly sat up.

"Yeah I know but I mean how did you end up being my room mate, you're a pain in the ass," Lauren teased. "You won't even cuddle with me while I miss my man," she pouted.

"Rude..I'm not that bad," Dinah scoffed, grabbing a pillow off the hotel bed and hitting Lauren with it, making her laugh. "I'm the only single on your line up, everyone else is sleeping in couples, that's how you got stuck with me. And don't even play trick, I asked you if you wanted to cuddle last night but you were too busy being emo cause you couldn't sleep with Zayn."

"I know, I'm teasing you Dinah," Lauren laughed, leaning over towards one of her bestfriends and cuddling up to her side.

"Hoi," Dinah sighed but ultimately gave in and hugged Lauren back.

"Am I allowed to at least talk to him on the phone?" Lauren wondered.

"Titi Clara said no..but I'll pretend I have no idea that you are cause I'm such an amazing friend, like honestly I should be your maid of honor," Dinah said making Lauren feel a little bad.

"Wait, were you guys actually upset that I picked Camz?" Lauren frowned a bit; they'd all pouted and groaned about it when Lauren told them but she didn't take it seriously, she thought they were just messing around.

"No, I'm just messing with you," Dinah laughed. "We knew you were gonna pick Mila, if you wouldn't have we would've thought you'd gone cray and made you pick her. You know how much that girl loves you, y'all are like white on rice."

"I know," Lauren smiled, "but you guys know I love you all so much right? Like each of you take up a big part of my heart and you're all so special to me in different ways; I can't see my life without you guys."

"Aw sappy dork," Dinah said hugging Lauren tightly, "we know, and we love you too. It's crazy to think that you're getting married when it feels like we were in pre-k like three days ago," Dinah laughed.

"You know, sometimes I'm still scared that this happened way too fast," Lauren sighed as she reached for her phone on the hotel nightstand.

"Don't be. You guys are really passionate about each other and in all honesty if anyone was made for one another, it's you guys. This is it Laur, you found your other half and I can only wish to find someone I love as much as you love Zayn and to find someone who loves me so hard right back," Dinah smiled.

"I hate when you get all serious and sentimental," Lauren nudged Dinah and chuckled through a few tears that escaped her eyes. What Dinah was saying was true, she and Zayn loved each other with no restraints and that's what made it feel like it was all too sudden but loving with no restraints is what everyone looks for. Finding someone who loves you absolutely, flaws and all.

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