Chapter 26

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"Luke? What's wrong?" Lauren questioned worriedly.

"I just need you to come to where I am, please," Luke begged. "I'll send you the address."


"Lauren, please," Luke pleaded.

"Okay, I'll be there."


Lauren felt unsure about what to do. She knew Zayn was going to get upset if she just left right now without explaining what was going on, but she had no idea what was happening. She also felt bad leaving since her family was going to celebrate a bit but she had never heard Luke like that and she was honestly worried about him. Lauren cared about Luke, they had grown so close over the past few months she wanted to make sure he was okay.

Lauren felt her phone vibrate and saw a text from Luke with the address to where he was at.

"Everything okay?" Lauren heard a breathless Zayn come up behind her, he had continued playing with the younger girls as she spoke on the phone.

Lauren turned towards Zayn and scratched the back of her head, debating what she should say.

"Babe, what is it?" Zayn questioned.

"I don't know exactly what's going on but Luke called me kind of frantic and he needs my help, I have to go but I'll be back as fast as I can," Lauren explained and the look on Zayn's face showed that it didn't sit well with him.

"What do you mean Lauren, we're here with your family. You can't just up and leave, what are you gonna tell them?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know.." Lauren sighed.

"Do they even know you're close to this guy, it's gonna make me look stupid just letting you leave to help some other guy and-"

"Please don't make this more serious than it actually is Z. He's a friend and he needs my help, that's it, the faster I can leave the faster I can come back. They'll understand that, can you please do the same?" Lauren asked.

"Sure Lauren," Zayn sighed and looked down.

"Can you please not let this bother you babe. I know we have more things to do today and trust me I want to be here with you more than anything but-"

"Then why are you leaving," Zayn interrupted with a sad look on his face.

"Because it's in my nature to just make sure people are okay, I wouldn't feel right knowing I didn't help him when he really seems like he needs it. And please stop looking at me like that you're breaking my heart," Lauren said as she placed her hand on Zayn's chin, pulling him down for a kiss.

"Okay fine," Zayn responded. "You're too good of a person, you know that? Please be careful, let me know what's going on and all that, I'll be waiting for you."

Lauren nodded, "Love you."

"Love you more," Zayn smiled sweetly.

"Love you most."


Lauren looked down at the GPS on her phone and saw that it said she was 200 feet away from the address Luke sent her but she began to worry she might have been in the wrong place. There were no buildings around her that seemed occupied. Lauren found herself in a mostly abandoned little town near the university, something super rare in Miami.

As Lauren was about to call Luke she saw him on the median in the middle of the road waving her down. He had his bike laid on the grass and there seemed to be a person laying in the grass next to it. Lauren pulled up next to the median and put her hazards on before stepping out of the car and walking over to Luke. As she approached him she saw that the person laying on the grass was Ashton and he seemed to be out cold.

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