Chapter 8

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*2 weeks later*

Zayn's POV

"Zayn...Zayn....Zayn.." Zayn stirred in his sleep hearing a voice gently call his name.

"Zayn...wake up.." The voice sounded like Lauren's and he figured he must be dreaming and remained with his eyes closed.

"Zayn wake up, you're gonna be late. This is why I said you should still put your alarm on anyways," he heard the voice say louder. "Come on baby, wake up it's the first day back from winter break, you don't want to be late."

Zayn opened his eyes slowly, confused as to why he was still hearing Lauren's voice. As he fully opened them he saw the beautiful girl looking at him through his computer screen and remembered they had fallen asleep while they were talking over Skype.

"Thank God, if you're not gonna wake up faster then we can't do this on school days," Lauren said as Zayn rubbed his eyes sleepily and groaned as he stretched from being asleep for hours. Lauren giggled, "You do look very cute when you wake up though."

Zayn smiled as he nuzzled his head back into his pillow, "Good morning love," Zayn said in a raspy tone from waking up.

"Good morning baby, now get up, get dressed and get to school so I can attack you with a billion kisses, okay?" Lauren said.

Zayn laughed, "Okay, see you soon."

Lauren blew him a kiss through the screen and closed her computer leaving Zayn's screen black.

He slowly got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom in the hall.

"Zayn, you up?" He heard his older sister Doniya call from down stairs.

"Yeah!" He shouted down.

"Okay, mum and dad left to work already and I'm leaving now to take Waliyha and Safaa to school and then I'm going to work," Doniya replied.

"Okay, bye guys, be safe, stay off your bloody phone while you have the girls in the car Doniya," Zayn said before walking into the bathroom, unable to hear Doniya's response though he knew it would be something slick.

As Zayn was getting ready to shower he began to think about how much has happened over the past month. When he moved to Miami he was kind of bummed because of all the friends he was leaving behind in Chicago. He thought it wouldn't be an exciting last couple months of senior year and that it would take him a while to make new friends but that all changed when he laid eyes on one girl. Zayn was so glad he was brave enough to take a seat at that lunch table on his first day. He had gained an amazing friend in the matter of a day. It was incredible to him how perfectly they meshed, making him feel like he had known her for years. He was grateful of how accepting her friends were and how eager they were to get close to him as well. He now had a couple guy friends, the boyfriends of three friends, as well as the four guys he kept talking to after his orientation at the University of Miami. But, everything always came back to that one girl. The girl he's defended, the girl he's taken out on a few dates, the girl who's family has welcomed him with open arms to their home, the girl with green eyes that captivate you and take you on a trip, the girl with beautiful dark hair and light skin, the girl with an amazingly intelligent and artistic mind, the girl who's soul was what Zayn's was made to love, the girl he had completely fallen for within the matter of a month, the girl who he planned on making his very soon. That girl was Lauren Jauregui, the girl who was rocking his world.

Zayn noticed an open parking space by Lauren's car as he pulled into the school parking lot. He pulled into the spot and made his way out of the car and to their homeroom. As he approached the door to the classroom he saw Camila and Lauren standing outside talking. Lauren had her back to Zayn and he was going to sneak up on her until he saw Camila point his way, making Lauren turn around. He smiled when he saw her and she ran over to where he was crashing into him with a hug. Lauren wrapped her arms around Zayn's neck and jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist, squeezing him tightly. She began placing quick pecks all over Zayn's face, making him laugh. Lauren dropped her legs back down to the floor and released her hold around Zayn's neck.

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