Chapter 29

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*2 days later*

It was now Saturday, the day of Zayn's soccer banquet, and the pair was running a tad bit behind.

"Zayn, come on babe, we have to go!" Lauren called to Zayn from the edge of their bed, petting Zeus who was fast asleep. "How is it possible that your papa takes longer to get ready than me," Lauren mumbled to the sleeping dog.

"I heard that," Zayn said coming into the room from their bathroom.

"Well hello there handsome," Lauren smiled as she saw Zayn dressed up nicely in a suit and tie. Zayn was placing a cuff link on his sleeve and looking at himself in their dresser mirror; there was something incredibly sexy to Lauren about seeing Zayn cleaned up.

Zayn turned towards Lauren and gave her a small smile before popping a kiss on her lips. "Am I good?" Zayn asked doing a 360.

"Here," Lauren reached for Zayn's thin tie, straightening it from its slightly slanted position. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his chest, smoothing out the suit before stepping back and taking another look at him. "Perfect," Lauren grinned, "what about me?"

"You don't even have to ask, that's a given. You look beautiful," Zayn responded making Lauren blush lightly. "I think we're good to go now-oh wait let me get some cologne." Zayn walked over to his nightstand and sprayed himself with an amazing scent.

Zayn moved to the edge of the bed where Zeus was laying and picked him up.

"Stop, what are you doing, leave him alone," Lauren defended the sleeping puppy.

"He has to go in the cage babe, he's not trained yet," Zayn stated as he walked over to the dog cage that was next to the closet.

"He was just sleeping, you're mean," Lauren pouted as she made her way to the cage and squatted in front of it.

"He'd wake up eventually love," Zayn mentioned as he closed the metal door and locked it.

"My poor baby," Lauren frowned, "remember it was your papa that put you in here and not me," Lauren stated as Zeus looked at her with sleepy eyes through the cage.

"You're so dramatic," Zayn laughed, grabbing Lauren's hand to help her stand, "come on we still have to go pick up Nial, Harry and Mila."


"Do you have any more gum banana head?" Harry asked Camila as they made their way to the banquet hall; Lauren was sitting in the back seat next to the couple while Niall sat up front with Zayn driving.

"No, but you can have this one, I've barely chewed it," Camila said poking the gum out of her lips so that Harry could take it. Harry put his lips on Camila's and took the gum from her mouth before smiling softly and placing another peck on her lips.

"Thanks sugar," Harry rubbed Camila's cheek with the back of his index finger.

"Why did I just have to witness that gum swap," Lauren sighed, "I hate you Niall."

"That's why I asked to sit in the front. I can't handle them," Niall responded looking back over his shoulder.

"Oh come on, it's just saliva. It's not like we don't already swap it," Camila butt in.

"Yeah but it was chewed," Lauren made a disgusted face.

"Don't you share food with Zayn?" Harry asked now.

"Yeah, but it's not chewed," Lauren fake gagged.

"The gum was barely chewed," Camila stated again.

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