Chapter 33

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*2 days later*

'Lauren: I'm home mi amor, what time will you be here? I've missed you so much today for some reason, I need my baby 😣'

Lauren sighed and slid her phone into the pocket of her maternity jeans as she let Zeus out of his cage and walked to the kitchen to put some food in his bowl for him. Lauren and Zayn had both been working all day so he must've been starving. Lauren felt her phone vibrate and she pulled it out from her pocket to check the message.

'Baby 🙊💙: hi love, I miss you too but remember I'm going to dinner tonight with the guys as a good bye thing for Louis and Liam before they leave to New York?'

'Lauren: omg I forgot about that 😭'

'Baby 🙊💙: sorry baby 😕 why don't you hang out with Mila or the girls'

'Lauren: you're not gonna come home at all? Like till after dinner? & Mila and Harry went to visit his family in the UK. He didn't tell you guys?'

'Baby 🙊💙: no he didn't....what a fucker & yeah I'm going straight to Lou's after work'

'Lauren: I think Mila surprised him with plane tickets cause she wanted to meet his family in person already'

'Baby 🙊💙: oh I see. Well what about the other girls?'

'Lauren: I think I'm just gonna stay home and paint, I haven't in a while. But I might go out and buy some bras, none of mine fit me anymore. Where are you guys gonna go to eat?'

'Baby 🙊💙: make sure you get some cute ones 😉 & Quattro g'

'Lauren: WHAT?! Why?! Babe you know she works there 😣'

'Baby 🙊💙: idc about her Laur & Louis and Liam picked the place cause it's like the first place we really hung out together..too bad Harry won't be there'

'Lauren: not so sure about getting some cute ones for you to see now 😒'

'Baby 🙊💙: aww man 😞'

'Lauren: ya know..I was really feeling into myself today. Would've been a perfect day to experiment like doc said..'

Lauren giggled after hitting send; she knew she could tease Zayn without him getting upset and it was always so fun.

'Baby 🙊💙: I'll be home before the day is over....'

'Lauren: well like I said..I've missed you a lot today and I need my maybe I'll still be in the mood later..but then again, I'm pregnant so I'm pretty unpredictable'

Lauren laughed to herself as she waited for Zayn's response. She opened up the pantry looking for something to eat but it was pretty barren; as was the fridge, they needed to do some groceries. Lauren made her way to the art room and opened up the window, letting in the sun light of the late afternoon. As she set up a canvas on her easel she felt her phone vibrate again.

'Baby 🙊💙: keeping my fingers crossed lmao your dad just caught me texting and said if I'm talking to you it better be about the baby so how's my little princess'

'Lauren: she's good babe 😌'

'Baby 🙊💙: I figured. I mean she's got the best woman alive taking care of her daily'

'Lauren: lol I love you. Try and get home as soon as you can okay? Don't have too much fun without me. I'll let you know what I end up doing'

'Baby 🙊💙: okay beautiful, I love you too'

Before Lauren slipped her phone back in her pocket she decided to text Normani, Ally and Dinah to see if any of them could go bra shopping with her because she really was in need of some new ones. The bra she was currently wearing was so tight it was squishing her boobs together making them look larger than they actually were; though they had grown quite a bit because of the pregnancy. Normani and Ally both told Lauren they were having date night tonight and Dinah informed that she was taking care of her younger siblings. Lauren sighed and grabbed some paints from her cabinet and started painting aimlessly. After a few minutes Lauren felt her phone vibrating again as a call came in and she checked her phone briefly to see that the call was from Luke.

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