Chapter 3

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Lauren immediately felt like a dork after sending that text and wished she could take it back but to her surprise she immediately got a reply. Zayn knew it was her and he said he'd been waiting for her text. They started a conversation and it went on for hours. So far the whole car ride to Orlando she had been texting him, they had talked about so much in that time just learning things about each other and becoming better friends and somehow the topic landed on Brad. Lauren had only known Zayn for a less than 24 hours but in that day she felt like she'd gotten to know him so well, like if they'd known each other the same amount of time she'd known the girls. She found herself telling Zayn things about what happened between her and Brad that not even her best friends knew.

'Zayn: what do you mean sometimes he'd scare you? Like messing around?'

'Lauren: I'd actually be scared to be around him...listen Zayn I've never even told camila this..'

'Zayn: can trust me'

For some reason, she did trust him, a lot actually, so she went on.

'Lauren: sometimes he'd get really drunk and call me and tell me he was coming to pick me up. On top of forcing me to go with him places while he drove around shit faced, he would get really aggressive with me...he'd slap me and sometimes even punch me if I said something he didn't want to hear or if I'd deny him anything he wanted. That's why I always did whatever he asked of me. When I started to get teased about it with his friends I didn't really care because I'd rather be mocked than abused.'

'Lauren: wow I'm sorry I just realized how heavy that was, I didn't mean to be a just felt so good to finally say that. I've never told anyone that he physically abused me. I mean the girls know he messed me up emotionally but they don't know this. Ive always been scared of what he'd do to me if he found out someone knew'

'Zayn: shit don't deserve that at all. I'm so sorry that he's such a piece of trash. You don't have to worry, I won't tell anyone unless you're ready but I swear... if I ever see him look at you in a funny way or lay a hand on you...I'll lose it'

'Zayn: you're worth so much more than that fucking ass has to offer. I know you said he was your first and all that but you deserve someone who respects you.'

'Lauren: thank you Zayn, it means so don't even know. I feel safe with the fact that I told you, but please don't get into any trouble cause of me.'

'Zayn: don't worry love, it's no trouble at all'

They continued talking till they finally arrived in Orlando. Lauren felt like the time passed way quicker than usual while driving up and she figured that was because of her conversations with Zayn. She felt distracted with him, she forgot about everything while she was talking to him, she liked that. It was what she was looking for. Zayn also talked about his story and told her that he moved from Bradford to Chicago when he was about 12 years old but he moved to Miami just a week ago for the remainder of his senior year so he can prepare himself for his life in Miami as he'd already gotten a scholarship offer to the University of Miami for his amazing football (soccer) skills. He also talked about his three sisters; Safaa, Doniya, and Waliyha.

'Lauren: wow 3 sisters?! No wonder you're such a gentleman haha'

'Zayn: aw thanks love'

Lauren felt so happy that she had such a great connection with Zayn and that was forgetting about everything around her but she felt scared that she maybe, just maybe might have a miniscule crush on Zayn. Lauren had only ever really liked one other guy, Brad, so she couldn't help but be scared. Even though Zayn seemed to be everything Brad wasn't, she still had a guard that she was scared to let down. That night, when she was going to bed she let Zayn know and for the first time in a long time she got one of the things she missed the most about what she had with Brad, a goodnight message. Lauren went to bed happy, elated even.

Morning came and to Lauren's surprise she had a message from Zayn.

'Zayn: Laur, I'm gonna be a tad busy these next two days because I'm getting shown around UM by some of the lads from the team I'll be joining in a couple months. Don't think that means I'm gonna forget about you though. I'll keep you updated with a couple pictures here and there of the things I find neat, promise to do the same? Hopefully we can chat a bit tonight, enjoy disney world for me! Xo, Z'

Lauren smiled and blushed at the fact he had thought to send this to her only after a day of knowing each other. It was honestly such a sweet idea.

"What are you smiling about?" teased Chris.

"Fuck off Chris" Lauren shot back.

"Lauren, watch your mouth hija, that's not nice" scolded her father.

"Sorry dad" Lauren apologized while shooting Chris a look and mouthing an array of profanities.
Once they walked through the gates, Lauren felt the excitement of Disney world practically smack her in the face. It truly was the happiest place on earth. She took photos with her family in front of Cinderella's castle and immediately sent them to Zayn. A couple minutes later while standing in line for a ride she checked her phone and saw that Zayn had responded.

'Zayn: wow! That looks amazing. Check this out, me and some of the lads (from left to right: Niall, Harry, me, Liam and Louis) :) '

Lauren opened the photo and all at once gasped and dropped her phone.

"What happened, are you ok?!" question her mother worried.

Lauren bent down to pick up her phone, "yeah I'm okay, sorry."

She was so amazed by how someone who has proved to be an amazing character could be so....godly...there was no other word for it, thought Lauren. She was so focused on the guy standing in the middle she barely realized the others were slightly attractive too but none of them compared to Zayn. He was other worldly. Since he was wearing a jersey and shorts she figured the weather in Miami was back to its usual self and she was glad because she was able to get a semi better view of his tattoos. She noticed he also had one on his leg. She felt the need to reply so she sent 'amazing'. She then realized that was kind of weird and sent 'hope you guys are having fun!' And he shortly after replied 'you too doll'.

The day was long but it was quite an enjoyable one. The Jauregui's had hit ever attraction in the park and now it was finally time for the very merry Christmas even to unfold as night had finally fallen. Disney is beautiful during the day but when the sun sets and the lights go up, especially during Christmas, Disney is truly astounding. Lauren took several photos around the different floats and with the characters dressed in Christmas themed clothes and sent them to Zayn.

'Zayn: so beautiful'

'Lauren: I know right, it's like a totally different place with all these lights. So beautiful."

'Zayn: no, I meant you'

Lauren stood frozen staring at her phone. She felt herself blush that unholy red color that tainted her fair skin time after time and she was so glad that this conversation was not in person.

'Lauren: you're too good to me, thank you. It actually means a lot.'

'Zayn: <3'

And there goes that unholy blush again....

The day ended, the weekend passed and Lauren was on her way back to Miami. The whole time she kept in touch with Zayn, she was sure the girls would kill her when the finally found out as she hadn't talked to them at all, but she hadn't been so happy in months, years almost. Lauren wasn't 100% sure if she was happy because her friendship with Zayn was so special or because she admittedly had quite a crush on him but she knew that Zayn was helping her forget Brad, something shed been trying to do for about two years, and she loved it.

A/N: kind of a short chapter /: I've had a busy week with school but I felt like updating so this might not be too good. Comment and let me know what you think! :)

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