Chapter 1: Do we have to go?[EDITED]

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Florence's Pov:

"Do we have to go?" I wined.

"Yes you need some fun for once, your always working." Tayla argued.

"I'm not always working, I just don't like to go clubbing, you know that." I explained.

"Well we are going and there's nothing you can do about it." She said holding her ground.

Our small apartment near the centre my home city we shared, and barely paid the weekly rent. I was always trying to make ends meet and trying to earn enough money for apartment payments. Tayla, my best and only friend, always was getting angry at me because she believed that I over worked myself and that I needed a man, I quote.

She was the type of girl who lived live to the fullest, she never had any money, always partying and bringing boys home. God I sound like such a mum. She wanted me to be the same, but to tell the truth, I wasn't like that. I liked order and routine and most of all I hated sleeping around and partying. She insisted so I would go with her only this once.

"Here wear this!" Tayla said throwing a ball of clothing at me, I catch it and shaking the material flat. A single gasp escapes my lips.

"I am not wearing this." I said sternly throwing it back. She catches it turning away and grumbling.

"Sometimes you need to listen to your best friend, you know" she stated, clearly angry at me.

"I listen to you all the time but today I am not in any way wearing that, I'll attract all the wrong attention." I said turning to look through my own clothes for something suitable.

I pulled out a dark band tee and black skinny jeans with a belt. I pulled the clothes on and grabbed a hoodie out of my chest of draws.

I turned around and looked a Tayla crossing my arms. She was wearing a barely there red dress. She had ridiculous heels on and her hair in a messy up style.

"You know you look like a street hooker." I said.

"Shut up! I look better than you." She squealed in here loud voice.

"Whatever, your funeral." I mumbled under my breath.

"I heard that!" She called as she walked intro the bathroom.

I walked to the bed and sat down waiting till she was ready, that usually took awhile.


She walked out of the bathroom 20 minutes later with makeup caked on and the loose strands that were falling out of the up style curled.

"Let's go!" She squealed obviously over our little argument.

"Ok." I said picking up my bag and jumper.

We walked out of the apartment and I locked up. She was already racing down the central stair case and out the building, I followed her. She was in the drivers side, car started waiting for me. I could tell she was happy I finally gave in to going with her clubbing.

I jumped in and as soon as I put my seatbelt on she was racing up the rode towards were ever we were going.

"We're are we going?" I asked interested.

"Club rock." She said with a smile focusing on the rode.

"Sounds cheesy and like that name of any rock bar evaaaaaaar," I said groaning.

"Supposedly there's a really popular band playing tonight I think you'll like them." She said casually.

"Who?" I asked totally interested. I loved my rock music, I know I didn't seem like I would like that type but it was one of my secret pleasures.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now