Chapter 39: Tip toe?

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*mature chapter btw*

Florence's Pov:

Soon after Andy showed me the house we moved all our stuff in, Andy's band room was filled with every thing from guitars, a drum set to recording systems. All the new house excitement was great, except for the fact that I didn't really know what Andy and I where these days? It was like we where back in an relationship but we hadn't even talked about titles. I know that all doesn't really matter but is Andy just helping me and looking out for me till I'm betters So he can go back out in the world and forget about me. I guess I'm being a bit anxious and crazy but I get the felling Andy's only here to not feel guilty anymore.

We tip toe around tense subjects like my attack and our relationship, the future and children. To be brutally honest I'm over it. I can't be angry at him though, he bought me this amazing house and he's looked after me with everything he has. I just wish we would talk more than just the small talk that normally is mumbled at dinner.

Talking about food Andy has been persistent with me eating full and proper meals, but it's hard since all my body has had over the last months is small amount here and there. I've put on a lot of weight and I am finally starting to look like my old self again.

Andy's taking me to the hair dresser today, getting it re-dyed and a new hair cut. Hope fully I'll be able to look in the mirror once again and see myself.

My leg is nearly healed and hopefully with my hair done and the cast taken off I'll be great.

The lounge room is buzzing with noise from the tv, all these awesome shows I've been watching lately whilst Andy fuses over me.

"Babe you ready to go?!" Andy yells from upstairs.

"Yeah!" I yell back at him.

A few seconds later I hear Andy's feet running down the stairs. He totally skips the last stairs on the stair case and jumps down with a smile on his face.

"Ready?" He ask excited.

"You already asked that, but yes." I say smirking and slowly hop up and hobble towards him on my crutches that soon will be gone.

"Haha ok." He says kissing my hair.

He opens the door to the house and helps me into the car.


A curly black haired lady greets us when I'm called into the doctors.

After some pulling and tugging on my leg and an industrial cutting tool to break the cast in two my leg is free.

I walk around in the doctor surgery and my leg still feels weak but bearable to walk on. I give the stitches back to the nice doctor and I'm glad I can get rid of the things.

After leaving the examination room we go to the assistant desk and fill out the appropriate papers and forms.

Now to the hair dresser.

I'm still a bit wobbly on my legs so I hold Andy's hand for support.

The hair dressers are all very friendly and fuss over my grown out mess of hair.

"Andy you can go if you want this usually takes a while." I tell him, he looks like he doesn't want to give my hand back.

" uh ok... I'll get us some lunch." He says before leaving quickly.

After a few moments and pretty hair dresser comes up to me and starts fiddling with my hair.

"So what would you like?" She asks.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now