Chapter 17: Boyfriend tales.

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Florence's Pov:

After Andy proclaimed his feelings to me we kind of sat there staring at each other, Andy turning over my hands and tracing circles on them.

Good things don't always last though.

Andy after checking the time, had to rush and leave for band practice.

"Well I'll call you later, sleep well Florence." He said brushing some hair behind my ear.

He left a second later the door closing behind him. I just sat there on the couch looking at the door my rock star boyfriend just walked through.




I was nearly hyperventilating so I jumped up and grabbed the biggest glass of water I could find and I chugged it.

Literally Throwing the glass in the sink, and then having to check it wasn't broken.  I skipped  to my room  like a 9th grader just after having her first kiss and got in the shower.

Just before I went in I heard the door to the apartment open and Tayla proclaiming she was home.

Steam of the hot water rose up around me, trying to calm the literal internal storm that was ranging was not happening soon. I was to hyped to... What's the word. It's dirty.

Every little movement every little touch nearly made me want to jump Andy's bones there and then on the couch but my mind screamed wait. The conflicts  of the human body.

While I stood under the burning water I found myself thinking things of Andy that were unthinkable, in my opinion. My mind raced and my body hummed.

The showered was doing nothing, yanking the taps off, I threw a towel around me and stepped out of the shower.

Ice cold ties greeted my feet and my hair hung matted around my head, wild and untameable.

The girl in the mirror staring back at me was nearly unrecognisable, flushed cheeks, darks freckles and flaming locks if urbane hair. This girl was opener and move lively, beautified in a strange way as if this one man could make such a difference.

Cutting out of my reverie, I quickly scooped up my dirty clothes from the floor and into my arms.

As I was making my way back to my poky room Tayla caught me.

"So? How was your day?" She asked strangely interested more than usual.

"Uh.. Amazing actually."

"How so?"  Tayla asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well you know Jacob, from work right?" I ask trying to make sure she knows all the information before I start the story.

"Yeah the tan one I banged about a moth ago."

"Uh yeah that one I guess." It never fails to amazing me Taylas lack of decorum.

"Go on..." Tayla Urges the story from me.

"Ok so work was a drag as usual but on the elevator ride down from work Jacob was in there. Anyway he tried his usual take me to dinner get me in bed with him thing and just has he started Andy called. So I thought it would be a good idea to make Jacob think I had a boyfriend bye pretending to talk dirty to him on the phone. So I left Jacob standing in the elevator looking stunned and told Andy to meet me at our apartment. So he came over we talked one thing lead to anoth-"

"You guys had sex didn't you!" Tayla squeaks.

"Of course not, if you had let me finish I would have said that he asked me to be my girlfriend."

I finish talking and Taylas just standing there with her mouth open.

"Tayla?" I ask apprehensively.

"OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! I so happy for you!" Tayla basically screams and jumps up and down like a kid.

"Ok ok clam down." I say trying my best to clam her excited state.

"Look it's new, I want to take things slow." I say holding Taylas hand.

"And if any thing happens between us you'll be the first to now the goss." I said pulling her in for a hung and trying to hold my towel up at the same time.

Tayla lets go and stands back to look at me strangely.

"Just be careful, people like him think they own everything." Tayla says with a hint of wisdom.

"Is this my Tayla I hear, giving safety advice." I joke before walking to my bed room door.

"Night babe." I say to Tayla walking up the hall.

She puts up the finger, "night idiot" she says with a laugh.

I barel into my room, throw the clothes and towel on the floor and dive into bed. Hiding under the covers.

Sleep consumes me quick and I fall asleep to Andy behind my eyes.


Hope you liked! Will try and update once a week if time permits... K? Cool. Love all my readers.


Listening to~ white buffalo, the pilot.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 💀🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now