Chapter 19: lunch and other things...

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Andy's Pov:

God that guy was an idiot. No wonder Florence wants to quit so bad. If one things for sure I got it lucky to make a band and become successful. It's a miracle actually.

I watch the idiot cower back to his stupid little fucking office cubicle, god this guy pisses me off. The nerve to talk to her like that.

"So about that lunch?" I say turning back around to face Florence.

She's got the funniest expression, shock mixed with proud and maybe little bit of bewilderment? She so cute.

"Uh yeah, lunch would be amazing, I wanna get out of this dump so bad." She says breathing  out as though she had been holding her breath for a long time. She instinctively leans into my shoulder so I rap my arm around her waist.

Her waist sucks in a bit under my touch, nervousness I presume. The innocence.

"Well I was thinking we could go to a dinner or something, you know dark romantic booth." I say sarcastically laughing.

Florence quickly swings her head around to look at me strange.

"Calm down I was joking, but still a dinner would be nice."

"Ok, I'm starving." She mentions as we both step into the elevator.

I push the ground floor button and there is silence between us.

"Are you ok?" I ask facing her, caressing her cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just I can't believe you did that back there with Jacob, no ones every stood up for me like that." She say looking at her feet.

"Get used to it, cause I'm not going anywhere." I say tilting her head back up to look at me.


I was about to stay I loved her? Do I? Yes, I'm in love with the gorgeous Aruban haired beauty, this innocent temptress. God I couldn't get her out of my head.
Even at band practice and sound check the other night I couldn't perform right and even the guys asked questions. What's happening to me, this amazing woman I guess. Telling her I loved her right know, I don't think she could handle that sort of commitment, I hold my tongue.

"What?" She asks.

"Oh nothing just thinking about the band." I brush it of finishing the conversation.

I kiss the top of her head and reach down for her hand putting it in mine. Shes not foreign to me like all the other girls, her small hands fit perfectly with mine, Florence makes me think of home.

The elevator door pinged open and we walk hand in hand across the entry and through the swinging doors and into bustling concrete city.

Florence's Pov:

Public displays of effection have always weirded me out, so when Andy held my hand I was surprised that I didn't care much. I usually would have pulled away from him but holding his hand felt so right.

And what was he going to say back in the elevator? I knew he was lying when he said he was think about something else. I dint know why what he said keeps playing in my mind. I just know he's lying, what every it was it was definitely important and I don't like him not telling me, makes me wonder, makes me worry.

Andy pulls me by the hand through the revolving doors out onto the street. Mid day traffic clogs the the road like salmon trying to swim up stream. Guess that means us, on the street are the grizzlies. Ironic.

Andy pulls me up the street instead of hailing a cab. Obviously this 'dinner' is in walking distance.

"We're walking?" I wine.

"It's a couple of blocks you'll survive." He laughs as the cool autumn wind rustles his Raven hair.

I smile at him and think how stereo typical this moment is. It's the fall and the man of my dreams is pulling me through the city, wind blowing his and mine. A floral dress on and him in mysterious dark clothing. Picture perfect I might add.

Such a happy moment.

We reach the dinner and I mention to Andy that I can't be late for my afternoon shift because of what the boss said this morning. Andy promises that he will get me back in time.

"What do y'all want to eat?" Asks the waitress with a heavy Texan accent.

She fills the coffee cups up without our consent that are on the table.

"Uh? What's the best on the menu?" Andy asks sceptically.

"Well y'all look like city folk and they all say that the cherry pies good, but it's really y'all a choice." She says chewing gum noisily. She that blonde bimbo type of chick.

"Uh well I'll take a cherry pie with cream." Andy says.

"Make that two." I interject into the conversation.

"Ok, it'll be out in 10." She says scribbling oh the note pad she pulled out of her apron.

The waitress stalks of and I let out a chuckle.

"That girl was irritating." I say smiling at Andy .

"She was." He smiles back.

The dinner is cute, you know a old 1950 style, poker dot and rockabilly dress sought of scene. While I'm evaluating the small dinner in main street from our cosy booth i catch Andy looking at me with adoration in his eyes.

"So I guess this is our second date hey?" I ask casually.

"I would believe so." He says fiddling with his napkin.

"This is really nice Andy." I reach over a squeeze his hand.

Just as I do Andy tense and pulls away. under my hand.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried.

Andy looks grave and a little bit scared, he's sinking into his chair as if to hid from some one.

"Look in the reflection of the window!" He says pointing to the far wall that had a large, might I add very shiny window.

In the reflection was a group of kids entering the dinner. The only thing strange about them was they looked like your everyday goth group from the local high school. One of them was wearing a Black Veil Bride fan shirt. Now I see his problem, he doesn't want to get bomb bombarded bye a bunch of overreacting teenagers.

Not Thinking Before I act, I jump up and look back at Andy who is now huddled, hunched over in the booth seat trying to stay hidden from getting seen. So funny but for our dates sake and his I have to do something before he gets seen.

"What are you doing." Andy asks in a hushed voice

"Just trust me, ill be back." I say.

I walk up the the emo kids and get there attention, there all sitting on the stools that face directly into the kitchen.

"Hi, I saw you guys are fans of BvB? Well you guys know that the band were in the city performing recently. Well just as I came in here for lunch Andy walked past me if you go know you might catch him. Hurry though." I say with fake excitement.

"Really? Thanks lady!" One says and they all run out of the dinner, one leaving a tip on the bench

Once there out of sight and past the dinner I walk back to the booth were we were sitting.

The food has arrived and Andy is now sitting up looking kind of normal.

"How did you do that!" Andy asks looking shocked.

OMG this was a fun chapter, hope y'all enjoy. Also fun fact, do you know how hard it's when your Australian and never left the country trying to write an American story! It hard as shit. I'm literally going off things I've seen in movies. If I got anything wrong please comment so I can fix. Pls. I love never eaten cherry pie just thought that it would be cool lol


Listening to~ JB, what do you mean?

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 💀🌻💀🌻

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