Chapter 23: sleepovers

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Florence's Pov:

"What was all that about?" Andy asks as we head in the direction of target, I said I needed somethings for the apartment.

"What?" I asked totally missing the point.

"You going on a coffee date with that girl in Victoria's Secret?" Andy asks sceptically.

"Oh her, I need a girl friend that isn't as much of a bad influence as Tayla. You know what happened last time when she ditched me." I said frowning.

"Well I don't think she is the best choice." Andy states sheepishly, he's treading lightly I can tell.

"How so?" I ask, I leave him a chance to explain before I bag him out for being mean about Lilly.

"Did you see what she was wearing? She seems a lot like Tayla." Andy states.

"Look I don't care, I'm going to take her out and if I don't like her after that I won't talk to her again." I huff now grumpy.

I pull my hand out of Andy's and  stride into target leave Andy to catch up to me.

I just get in to door when and stops jogging and is briskly walking next to me.

"Look Florence I'm sorry, I just don't want you to be let down." He says, his brows furrowed in upset.

"Andy I make my own decisions and whatever happens happens. I really don't care." I glare at him.

I know I shouldn't be angry, he's buying me stuff, I should be thankful but my pet peeve is not letting me make my own decisions.

"Ok fair enough, don't be upset with me Florence, please." He says with with such a pleading expression my anger falls away in an instant.

"I'm not upset with you, let's just keep looking around." I say.

I stay silent for the rest of our time at target, I got some more cutlery and plates. Because we don't have more than two sets at the apartment. I bought some more makeup that I was running out of, Andy liked my choices, mostly black stuff.  When it came to buying of course Andy insisted to pay. Of course.

I looked at my phone when we where leaving the shop, 7:38. The time had flied.

No wonder I was hungry again.

"Andy I'm hungry, can I buy you dinner?" I ask, now if he says he's paying I will personally rip his punk head off.

"Yeah babe" he says nodding.

I serious craving a burger so we head to  McDonald's. Andy snickers and shakes his head and the choice of food. He orders with the money I gave him whilst I find us a seat in the massive food court.

There's a little tucked away seat for two near to where I am so I grab it and place my bags of stuff on the ground.

Andy and I were acting like a real couple, the first real boyfriend  I ever had.  And so far it has been amazing.

Andy makes me jump while I'm immensely  in my thoughts, he apologises for scaring me and a smile lights up my face.

"I just got you this wasn't sure what you like so." Andy says handing me a Big Mac.


I'm so hungry and just as I'm about to open my food my stomach growls, embarrassed I blush like crazy.

"You where hungry weren't you?" Andy states raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah all the stress of today has totally made me extra hungry." I say taking a massive bite, I nearly groan from finally getting what I was craving.

Andy and I polish off the food and call it a night, I had sore legs from shopping and Andy was just going with the flow.

We jumped into a parked cab and Andy gave the directions of my apartment, he had already memorised the address.

The drive was short but with Andy holding my hand and my head resting in his shoulder it felt like an eternity that I never wanted to stop, but you don't always get what you want.

Andy payed the driving and held the door for me to get out.

As soon as we were away from the cab, it was gone.

"Thanks Andy for the day, it was amazing." I said twisting my arm behind his back to snake around his waist. He took the hint and hugged me.

Andy was creepily quite the whole walk up the stairs to my apartment ,It was as if something was seriously bothering him, he hadn't talked much since we left the mall.

We reached my door and he dropped my hand that he was hold. I was real worried now.

"Well I guess this is you." He said looking at my apartment door.

"I better be going." He said strained.

"Don't." I grabbed his hand pulling him back.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just don't want this day to end." He said hanging his head ,looking at his feet.

"Neither do I." I said before grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulling him into My apartment. He's taken off guard and nearly slams into me, I trip over my feet from his body weight and crash to the floor, cause I'm holding onto Andy's shirt still he comes crashing down on top of me, I'm literally breathless and Andy's body weight takes the breath out of me.  laughing I push  Andy and he rolls himself off me and laughs with me.

"Are you ok?" He asks helping me up.

"Yeah" I said breathlessly.

Andy grabs and squeezes me to his chest as if afraid that he has to leave.


"Ssh Florence" Andy coos.

He lets me ,go drops my hand  and takes a obvious step away.

"Sleep well Florence" Andy says before turning away.

"Don't go." I grab his sleeve and pull him back around towards me.


"Florence." Andy says warningly, looking at me with hooded eyes.

"Andy I want you to stay." I repeated.

"Are you sure?" Andy asks surprisingly vulnerable.

"I'm very sure."

He seem to be standing on eggshells, worried that I'm going to change my mind and reject him.

I drop my bags bear the couch and turn around to find Andy smirking at me. I raise an eyebrow in his direction.

Walking over to Andy his eyes scream uncertainty but his body is saying other things. I reach down and pick up his hand buy his side and slowly pull him behind me down the hall way and into my bedroom.


OOOOOOh anticipation..... What's gunna happen. I'm so evil.


Listening to~ in the end , bvb

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now