Chapter 13: So how was andy?

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Andy Pov:

I woke up in an awkward position on Florence's couch, the early morning sunrise was shining through the gab in the curtains.

Picking up my phone I checked the Time.


Great early as hell, I decide to leave Florence a note and go get ready for the gig today.

On her bench there's a floral note pad.

Dear Florence.

I had to go.. I wish I didn't but I have to work. This is the life of a rock star I guess. I had an amazing night with you Florence you're such a amazing girl. I'm so glad I met you even if it was under bad circumstances...

Please keep safe.

Love Andy.

I rip the piece  of paper of the note pad and go back to the couch to get dressed. God I need a shower.

I grab my phone and walk to Florence's room opening the door slowly.

She so peaceful lying there with her hair all wild and red.  She was in her under wear and and In that moment I wanted to take her right then, she was so gorgeous. I lent over her and kissed her  hair then placed the note on the pillow next to her.

I left quickly locking her apartment as I left.

Florence's Pov:

Something brushed my hair making me stir awake. I sprung awake and looked at my clock, I had to get to work. Throwing on my usual decarb of a pencil skirt and a yellow blouse.

I was just about to turn the light off in my room when something on my bed caught me eye.

Picking it up I started to read.

It was from andy, me said he want to stay, that I was amazing ... I've never been told that before. I pocketed the note and left my room. Just as I was about to finish making my coffee I heard Tayla making an arrival for the morning.

"Hey!!" She squealed as she entered the apartment.


"So how was andy?!" She asked plopping down at one of the bench stools in the kitchen.

I told her about the date and what happened after. Then how andy came back, the towel incident and how and what we talked about for so long.

"What! do you guys didn't have sex, I didn't come back for nothing. If I new you guys were just talking I wouldn't have spent the night at Jax's." She said annoyed.

"I want to take the relationship slow" I said quietly.

"Listen to yourself! Your 23 and a virgin! I swear any girl would have taken the opportunity last night, for that matter I would have! What are you afraid of?!" She said scolding me.

"I don't know, he might not like
Me like that." I said cringing.

"Oh you trust me he likes you! For that matter so many guys LIKE you, you just don't notice them! Florence your gorgeous! Why don't you pay more attention." She said before storming off.

I was a bit shocked at Taylas outburst.. I didn't think she had that in her.

In a bit of a fluster I grabbed my coffee and headed for work.

Hope everyone liked this chapter...


Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now