Chapter 25: troubles.

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Andy's Pov:

My phones running I can hear it, muffled by something. As I roll over I suddenly remember where I am. Florence.

I spent the night, and from how I'm feeling it was one of the simplest and best night of my life. No sex ,just us, together.

I finally realise my phone isn't going to stop ringing so I slip out of her bed trying not to wake her.

I find my phone buried in my jeans that were one a heap on the floor, if anyone had come in last night and seen us they probably would have jumped to conclusions.

Why is Jake calling me at this hour?!

Pressing the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"What the hell Jake, it's 6 in the morning?!" I say in a hushed voice praying not wake the sleeping beauty behind me.

"Look and this is important, you have to get to my hotel room now our manager has to tell you something and I can't really tell you over the phone..." Jake trails off.

"And why the fuck can't you tell me!" I raise my voice. I really didn't want to leave Florence for our manager to tell us some shit.

"Calm down man, I'm just telling you what I've been told. The whole bands here waiting for you man." Jake says critically.

"Look Jake can't we
reschedule, I'm with a girl." I say through the phone hoping Jake would get the idea and stop pestering me.

"We can't, you have to come now." He says grating angry.

"Fine, I'll be there in 20mins." I hang up.

I rush to throw my clothes one and go back over to Florence in the bed sleeping. God she's beautiful, personally I would rather stay here all day then have a band meeting.

I can't bring myself to wake her up.. So I rip off a piece of paper from one off her books lying around in her room and write her a note.

After placing it on the pillow next to her I leave quietly closing the door behind me.

I fell so bad for leaving so early after such a good night.

Florence's Pov:

Andy was gone, he had obviously come to his sense and realised I was a waste of time. I was already regretting the level of intimacy we had last night, I had never kissed a guy or touched one before like that and he leaves without a reason.

I have to get a job any where that will take me, throwing the covers back and straightening the bed out I let a few tears, knew ones hear so I aloud to.

I clean my room and pick up a few books, one is open on the floor with a clearly ripped out page, odd.

I dress quickly, I need to get away from my room, every time I look at my bed I see Andy and I laying in it, the sheets crumpled.

The out fit today is boring and Looking in the mirror, I look like shit but I don't care. I Paired a crop top with black ripped jeans. My hair the plain red as usual and I look so tired. If I'm going to look for a job I better look alert so I head to the bathroom and put some make up on, there's a slight improvement, but I look sad.

I check on Tayla she is out to it, probably why she didn't ask questions last night because she was so pissed drunk.

Just I'm about to leave I eye the bags of stuff me and Andy bought, so instead of waiting for Tayla to raid them I in pack away the stuff for the apartment and put the lingerie in my room.

I grab my
Purse (that contains my résumé) and keys, leaving the apartment.

I need a job, I can't just sit around here. Now or ever.


Andy's Pov:

Jakes hotel room is a floor up from my own, the cab ride hear was terrible the weight of worry I had was scary. What was so important that they couldn't tell me over the phone. I was also upset with my self for leaving Florence like that, first guy she's ever kissed and I leave in the dead of night. Well morning.

The only conclusion I could come up with for this sudden band meeting was our manager never told us the times when we go to each place. He literally tells us two days before where we're playing. So I don't know when were continuing the tour or not. But if we were leaving then that meant I would leave Florence just as our relationship is blooming.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts that are starting to run away from me as the door to the elevator pings open.

When Jake opened the door to his room i stepped back with a shock, every one was here the whole band, even Ashley! Which I was surprised because usually at this time in the morning he would be still pile driving some band whore.

"Andy thanks for getting here quick." Jake says patting my back.

"Shit man, this better be important." I say frowning.

"It is."

The manger of our band, who personally I hate, is sitting in a recliner chair like he owns the place.

"So what's so damn important that I had to get here?" I ask angrily.

"Maybe you should sit down andy." Says my manager.

I sit down, usually I don't do want he wants but it's the look in his eyes that pushes me to sit. Cc is on the bed in the hotel room cross legged so I sit next to him, my long legs hanging off the edge.

"We as you all know, apart from Andy the news."

"What has happened is that, we've ran out of money. The band is simply not sells out show here. We as hole are going to have to go back to full black veil brides tours. The small gig thing isn't getting enough publicity and your fans, don't even you have performances. So I have made the hard decision."

"I've canceled all our small gigs that we have left at club rock and others. The band is leaving in two days to Ohio for a already sold out show, I've advertised on the black veil brides social media and the fans reacted."  Our manager says.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm leaving Florence.

"Now Andy we didn't want to tell you over the phone because we know about your girl friend and how your only newly together. I sorry Andy but your going to have to cut her loose, your going to have to bump her if you want to continue this tour." My manger finishes just before I Lung at him, fists flying.


Oh shit this is amazing omfg!! I'm happy with my writing at the moment. Yassss.


Listening to ~ Melanie Martiez, carousel.

Keep reading and keep smiling every one!🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now