Chapter 22: lingerie

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Andy's Pov:

Sorry, couldn't help myself. That guy was just asking for it. I know I probably shouldn't have punched  the guy but I am sick of him even looking at Florence, let alone talking to her.

To be fair I did warn him.

I was also surprised that Florence didn't give me a hounding for punching the guy. She's always surprising me to be honest. I'm changing  Florence,  the red headed beauty.

"Florence why didn't you care that I punched him?" I say to her after we recover from laughing.

"Andy, area you serious? That guy was asking for it, if you hadn't punched him I probably would have." She says between a new set of laughs.

I laugh with her as the elevator descends.

We make it out onto the street and I suddenly get the urge that I don't want to part ways with Florence just yet so I suggest the most normal thing I can think of.

"Can I take you shopping?" I ask Florence.

"Uh yeah, window shop I guess..." She shrugs.

"What do you mean?" I ask not understanding her tone.

"I mean is that I just ran out of my fund provider, I can't really afford to buy much." She shrugs it off, but I can see the real worry in her eyes at the loss of her job.

"Florence don't be silly, I'm your boyfriend now, I will buy you what ever you want. I really care for you." I say holding her hand.

Her smile is like a new sun, brilliant and beautiful. I'm nearly blinded by her beauty.

"So beautiful" I mumble to my self looking down at Florence.

What did I do to receive such a pure soul like Florence.

And in that moment I felt like the luckiest Man alive.


Florence's Pov:

"So beautiful" Andy mumbled to himself, think I couldn't hear him.

My heart swelled at his kind words, the look of adoration for was clearly on his stunning face.

God I was lucky to find a guy that truly cared for me.

Once we got in a cab and gave the directions to the nearest mall, we were off. I guess you could call Andy wanting to buy me stuff a date? Sure.

The cabby dropped us off near the entrance of the large looming mall.

People were getting out of cars, parking and walking out of the mall. One lady with a pram bumped into me and I fumbled to apologise. Andy was looking at me out of the corner of his eye as we attempt to push through the heap of people going to and from the mall. It was like Black Friday all over again.

Once we were inside the crowd dissipated a little and we could see the various shops in the mall.

"Where first?" Andy asked leaning down to talk next to my ear. A shiver ran down my spine.

"Victoria's secret." I shrugged my shoulders.

I thought to myself that if Andy and I were to ever... You know... I needed some nice lingerie for you know.

It's even crazy that my inner monologue is innocent. I smiled to myself and giggled a bit.

"What's funny?" Andy asked taking my hand in his.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now