Chapter 2: Evil monsters.[EDITED]

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Andy's Pov:

We had finished the performance  in record time.
The band and I  were only performing here because our manager thought that doing a few small shows would show that we care about the fans. One thing I did enjoy about smaller gigs is the intimacy, seeing the girls scream their hearts out to you, the lights bright reflecting in their eyes beautifully.

I was sitting in the dressing room in the back of the tiny little club. Jinx and CC were talking about how awesome the crowd was, Jake was sitting next to me looking at his phone intently and Ashley was probably picking up some easy girl.

I decided I'll call it a night and head back to the hotel. Looked like the guys wanted to go back into the club and party a bit, I was kinda tired.

"Hey guys I might call it a night and head back to the hotel." I said talking to all of them.

"Ok man." CC replied.
The rest nodded.

I pulled my jacket on and picked up my stuff. Leaving the dressing room was the easy part, navigating the hallways that lead out the back of the club was the hard part. I wasn't used to these small performances, but the reaction from the fans made the night all that better.

I finally made my way to the back exit door and pushed it open. The chilly night air was refreshing and The street was strangely vacant. Street lights cast a menacing glow over the street in spots. A drunkard was stumbling home across the street in the shadows, you could hear a pin drop. 

Walking out of my hidden spot in the door way I entered the street, attempting to hail a cab. That's when I heard her. From an ally way two cars up from where I stood. A girl let out a piercing scream so loud I could swear she was next to me. It suddenly was cut short with a thud.

I ran towards the source of the noise, my boots thudding on the bitumen path.

What I found in the small alley was appalling

There was two men hovering over and unconscious body of a beautiful girl taking advantage of her. One man was pulling her jeans down and the other was fondling her breast.

"Oi get the fuck off her!" I yelled grabbing the back of his shirt and slamming him hard into the opposite wall. The other man finally noticed me by then and took a defensive stance.

He swung and in retaliation  I landed a punch on his jaw causing him to fly back, he grabbed his jaw and spat blood. 

The first man looked at the second.
"That's that gay fucker, Let's get out of here."

That just made me angrier. Then they tried both going at me I managed to punch one in the stomach and the other managed to punch me in the jaw. Then while I was stumbling around they ran up the street and disappeared.

I rubbed my jaw, it was going to bruise.

I suddenly focused my attention on the girl. She was definitely beautiful, she had layered red hair sticking in all different directions, she wasn't skinny but some how curvy. Her skin was pale and nearly translucent with no blemishes. She would probably make any girl jealous.

I wiggled her jeans back on fully and fixed her T-shirt.

I couldn't just leave her here. I had to bring her with me. With that in mind I picked her off the dirty rubbish filled ally and into my arms.

I walked out of the ally and up the street a bit flagging a taxi down. I placed her inside on the vinyl seats and slid in next to her. I gave the taxi driver the name of my hotel and he took off up the road towards it.

"Rough night?" The taxi driver asked.

"I guess you could say that." I answered back gruffly.

When we got to the hotel I threw a twenty at the driver,

"Keep the change." I mumbled as I opened the door lifting her out.

I slammed the door with my foot the taxi started the car again and left. I walked with her in my arms still passed out into the hotel. I entered the elevator and punched the number of the floor I was on.

All I could think was how could monsters do that to someone or at least try. I was so angry at them, angry for the evil thoughts of Her that they had. Angry for what they were going to do If I hadn't come.

I looked down at her beautiful untouched face and all the anger faded away as I looked at her stunning features.

The elevator came to a stop at my floor and the doors opened. I walked quickly to my room, walking inside.

I was in the deluxe room, with the really nice view and bed. I placed her down on the day bed In the corner of the room.

Throwing my jacket off onto the bed as I walked past to find a blanket for her in the bedding closet. I found a large blanket that would work and came back to the room.

I removed her hoodie and smirked at her nirvana shirt, rock music lover. I wiggled her converse shoes off and put them on the floor. I covered her with the blanket and left to go into the bath room to have a shower.

I looked at myself in the double mirror, the punch that had landed on my jaw was now starting to bruise and bad. How was I supposed to explain to the guys what happened. Do I tell the truth. I pulled my clothes off letting them fall to the floor. I went to the shower and turning it on letting the scolding water cleanse my skin. I finally finished and climbed out replacing my clothes with boxers.

I came back in room where she was in the corner and walked over to her. Brushing her hair away off her fore head I finally saw the extent of her injuries, she had obviously been knocked out and the egg on her head was huge and purple.

As soon as I saw it I ran to the fridge in the room, grabbed a t-towel and put ice in the towel tying it at the top. I placed it on the bump on the head and finally I relaxed a bit .

I reached down and touched her cheek, the strangest feeling went through my hand. Like sparks. I backed away quickly going to the bed and climbing under the covers.

I rolled over a few times and then fell asleep, dreaming of evil monsters that we're going to do things to that girl.

Well that's another chapter! The picture in the slid is of Andy when he injured himself on stage a few years back. For the purpose of the story I thought it would be interesting to have a picture of him a little beaten up. In the story he gets hit in the jaw not in the eye though. Just clarifying.


Listening to~ Paramore, ignorance.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 👽👽

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now