Chapter 12: you can stay the night...

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Florence's Pov:

The hours pass by as Andy talks to me more, I know more about him than I thought possible. 

"I had a really great night Florence. I better get back to my hotel I have a gig tomorrow." He says Sadly like he doesn't really want to leave. 

"If you don't want to go you can stay the night ", I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks with a smirk.

"Don't even think about that, your sleeping on the couch" I say  before giving him a face like ha sucker.

"I'll grab you some blankets, make yourself at home." I say walking off towards the linen cupboard.

There's a warm blanket up the top of the cupboard I'm a little to short to reach, standing on my tippy toes trying to grab it.

I feel Andy standing behind me, he reaches up and pulls the blanket out of the cupboard and hands it to me.

I could feel his body heat so close to mine making me tingle.

His body lingers behind me a few moment before me goes back the lounge room.

Who new getting  a blanket out of a linen cupboard could could get so hot and sexy. What are you thinking Florence... Omg.

I take a massive breath and walk back out to the lounge room to see Andy sitting there looking gorgeous with his big blue eyes and wicked smirk.

"Here dork." I say chucking the blanket at him, he catches it in ease before it hits him in the head.

" you can chuck your clothes over there if you want." I say and then immediately regret it.

"Florence if you wanted me to take my clothes off you just had to ask." He said with his eyes burning and a massive seductive smirk.

"Night Andy."

"Sleep well Florence." He replies happily before getting up off the couch and taking his clothes off. I linger slightly watching him.

I catch his  eyes and get all embarrassed before running up the hall to my room and diving on my bed giggling.

I fall asleep thinking of gorgeous Andy.

So what do you think of the chapter? I will make the next one longer I promise. 👌


Listening to~ lose your self eminme.

Keep smiling and keep reading every one! 💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now