Chapter 28: heartbreak, regret and whole lot of love.

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Florence's Pov:

Once you hear those words you know something is wrong. Even the hurt look on Andy's face screamed I was going to have a broken heart in the next few minutes.

"Look Florence, I didn't skip out on you this morning I left a note, on your pillow. I was called to an emergency band meeting and tried to get out of it but they insisted. Im sorry." He said
before holding my hand in his as he sat down next to me.

"Theres more. As you already know, that the bands on tour, we dont really have a plan where were going so its up in the air."

"I hate the uncertainty myself, but this is the life I must except if I want to be a singer."

I could tell he was stalling and if he didn't get to the point of the story I was Afraid to  break down and cry again.

"Andy just tell me!" I say quite loud.
He's taken aback but quickly composes himself.

"The bands leaving, I don't for how long. My manager told me I had to break up with you Florence. I can't I love you to deeply, to much. I know it's only been these short few months but feels as if I have changed as a person that you are a beacon of light that has  taken away the dark, I know it sounds cheesy." Andy says starting to sob.

"It's definitely not cheesy, beautiful actually." I say smiling up. At him.

The air between us is about to eat me up and I no longer can take the physical space between us.

Leaning up my lips meet his and Andy's hands instantly grab my hips hard directing me on top of him. He falls back onto the bed fully and I use my hands to hold myself up to deepen our kiss.

I suddenly don't care anymore if the bands leaving or that he's upset, all I can think about is the hot attraction I have for the man with the sky blue eyes.

Andy rolls us around and suddenly he's  on top of me, his hands everywhere, discovering, trying to remember every inch of my body. Just as he's about to break our kiss and explore my neck I bit his lip making him groan.

The rooms rising up in degrees and my breath is that loud it's all I can hear.

Before I know it Andy's pulled off my crop top and has worked his way to the buttons of my jeans. By the time he finished my jeans are around my ankles and my top carelessly thrown to the floor.  Can't believe where actually doing it.

Without much hesitation on my part I palm at Andy's crotch and from my suddenly eagerness Andy unclamps my bra in one swift movement and my breasts fall from there restraint.

"Florence..." Andy breaths.

I realise that Andy has to much clothes on and start pulling his off, jacket first, jeans later.

Andy looks up at me from what pleasure he's creating on  my neck, his smirk and raised eyebrow makes me laugh, throwing my head back.

Andy helps me with his cloths since my arms are basically pinned next to me because of Andy's body caged around me.

"Are you sure?" Andy asks in the most serious tone he's used all afternoon.


We continued blissfully into the afternoon, bursts of colour and passion before my eyes and I'm only now really questioning why I never had done this before, I feel bad now how much I pick on Tayla, because this is amazing.


I leave Andy sprawled naked across my bed, he fell asleep, I had to pry Andy's arms from around me to get up. I was really hungry and I've heard all the virginity story's, you can't walk after, there's  blood and worse. So I went for a walk to see if it was really as bad after as every one said. Andy was very gentle but also a bit annoying, asking every few seconds if I was ok. But for my first time it was amazing and anyway who gets the chance to bang a rockstar every day? 

I don't bother getting dress fully I just throw Andy's shirt on and walk out to the kitchen.

"Well I didn't expect that." Tayla says from the couch, not knowing she was even home makes me jump and get embarrassed, did she hear all of that? Omg!

"Tayla! You scared the crap out of me." I say smacking her from behind the couch.

"So how was it?" She asks slowly, I guess she's scared I'll get angry at her for asking.

"I definitely know why you like it, he was amazing." I said sitting down next to her.

"Well I figured you were having a good time, could hear you the entire time, actually Thought I would join in for a bit but decided not too. " she said smirking.

"Tayla! You wouldn't." I laughed.

Mine and taylas  head flicks around when we hear shuffling from the hall, I left Andy asleep, he must have woken up.

I notice Andy is very nude when just his head peaks from around the hall way  wall, "come back to bed." Andy whines.

Tayla pats me on the shoulder as I get up, "have fun".

As I walk towards Andy I catch her giving the eyebrows at Andy,  who might I ad looks at me quite shocked and runs back into my room, me seeing his naked butt the whole way.

Andy's already sprawled under the covers when I get there, I slip under them and instantly his arm is around my waist pulling me close to him.

"I like you wearing  my clothes" he mumbles nearly incoherently into my shoulder.

"You do?"

"A lot." He says and looks at he with eyes as if to say you know why.


Andy has me right up against him and we're basically spooning so I grind my hips into his and he instantly freezes.

"Florence ", he says warningly.

Laughing I jump on top of him, and we roll around on the bed giggling and being stupid.

"God I love you Florence, and won't stop loving you ever." He says before kissing me deeply.

I wasn't going to do there sex scene chapter now but I got writing and it just happened. I hope you enjoy, it's isn't really important for the story so yah but I threw it in anyways. 

I'm planing for this story to finish at 40 chapters more or less, then if I still get requests for more I may do a squeal. Maybe. Well as always tell me what you think, comment and vote, feed back feed back is what I want so thanks my wonderful readers! Love you all.


Listening to~ Be together, Major Lazer.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 💀🌻💀🌻🌿🌿🌿

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now