Chapter 14: incoming call...

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Florence's Pov:

Getting to my work which was at the local lawyer firm. I hated my job, just because I was a golden child and had perfect grades my parents pushed me towards lawyering. I wanted to be a scientist or something adventurous but no I was stuck with this job were I have look after other people's needs.

I sit down at my little poky desk and see the massive tri coloured stack of papers that my idiotic boss has left me.

Great start to the rush day ahead, no wonder why Tayla thinks I should quit.

The day goes by in a rushed blaze, and the papers seem to just keep multiplying. When the clock hits 5 I pack up my stuff and head towards the elevator.

"Florence, how was your day?" Said a sarcastic arrogant voice behind me sharing the elevator.

"What do you want, Jacob?" I asked letting venom seep into my voice showing my clear disgust.

"Oh don't be like that, come to dinner with me tonight." He said telling me basically what to do.

Saving me from Jacobs harassment, my phones childish ringtone echoed through the elevator.

I gave a fake strained smile to Jacob before fishing into my bag to retrieve the phone.

The screen flashed... 'Incoming call: Andy.'

Shit. I cussed in my head. Maybe this is a way to get Jacob from finally harassing me I thought evilly.

I answered the phone quickly.

"Hey Florence um I was just wond- "

"Oh babe I totally forget, Im so sorry.

I'll be home soon I'm just going to head out and get a sexy dress for tonight. I can't wait to see you and do naughty things to you ."
I finished just as the elevator opened to the ground floor, with Andy still on the phone I turned to give a quick look in my coworkers direction to see him staring after me in clear shock. Winking at him I swayed my hips striding out of the high rise building.

"What was all about?" Andy asked clearly taken of guard at my sudden eagerness.

"I'll tell you all about, come to my apartment I'll meet you there." I said before quickly hanging up.


That's it for another chapter! I wonder what Florence has planes for Andy.... Sorry it isn't longer, I promise the next will be longer. I hope.


Listening to~ this ain't love, Jessica malboy.

Keep smiling and keep reading everyone!! 🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now