Chapter 18: Funny sight.

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Cool air brushed my face with the softness of a feather. I'd left the window open. Of course.

Groaning myself to wake I lifted off he bed an hauled myself to the widow shutting it, the days where getting colder and winter was on the horizon.

I'd have to restock my winter wardrobe soon.  After pick up a random assembly of clothes from the growing pile on the floor i went to check my phone.

And of course Andy didn't let me down,

Hey pretty, I want to take you to lunch today, I have a surprise. Also what's the address for your work?

Shit, I'm late for work.

I quickly text Andy back the adress and rush out the door trying to put my heals on in the interim.


Luckily Taylas still in and left the car for me to take today. I throw my bag on the passenger seat while I'm getting in and fumble with the keys trying to get them in the ignition. And of course I happen to drop them on the floor. Just as I reaching down to pick them up I hear a familiar voice.

Jolting upward  I smash my head against the wheel and look like a complete idiot.

Rubbing the back of my head I sit up to look and at the idiot who scared me.

"What do you want Jax?" I say angrily.

"Haha scared you didn't I?" He states rhetorically.

"Damit Jax what the hell do you want, I'm bloody late for work and your here  wasting my time."  I say nearly yelling.

Obviously not at all phased  by my out bust Jax continues, " what I was about to say was I'm hear to bang the hell out of your friend."

I make vomit gestures and shake my head.

Finally I have the key in the ignition and I put it into gear, pulling out the drive.

"Bye asshole!"  Call to Jax walking towards the apartment. He retorts the finger back at me.


The boss is waiting for me as the elevator door part open for me. Arms crossed stern , look on his wrinkled face.

I get to my desk and barely put my things down before he starts getting up me.

"Hi si-"

"Florence this is your last chance, I have given more than I normally would and this is it. One more inconsistency in your work and I will fire you in the spot. If this happens again I will get you blacklist from every lawyer firm on the east coast. Don't let it happen again Florence." He said before turning leaving me there shocked, I didn't even get to defend myself.

I slump into the wheel chair and swing myself to see an enormous stack of crap waiting for me to sort. Urg!

One day I will bring up the courage to quite but, hey this is the only thing paying the bills. I get to work with a shy    Hoping the hours tick away till lunch.


By the time I finish sorting papers and running errands for my colleges and punching numbers lunch time comes around.

We're given an hour for lunch each day and just as I finish packing up my purse Andy steps through the elevator on the other side of the room, a hot smirk on his face. He's dress in all black, pairing with skinny ripped jeans and a leather jacket, his usual familiar attire. It was cute though much he stood out really, like my very own dark horse.

While I was looking at my amazingly attractive boyfriend someone stepped in front of my view.

"Florence, did you think about my dinner offer?" Said Jacob in his needy stupid voice.  He had a arrogant smirk plastered on his disgusting face.  

"Piss of Jacob, I'm really not in the mood for your Arsenal of words today thanks." I say rolling my eyes and standing to meet Andy.

"Are you refusing my offer?" He asks as though no girl would ever turn him down like he thinks he a Greek god or something.

"Yes Jacob, I don't like you and I don't think I ever will and if you don't mind your wasting my time I could be sharing with my boyfriend, so leave me alone." I say angrily.

"Is there a problem?" Andy asks suddenly reaching us saving me from Jacob.

It was a funny sight, Andy be 6'ft something and Jacob being 5'5  looking intimidatingly at each other. Well Jacob had to look up at Andy. 

Being the coward Jacob is he stepped back suddenly.

"Uh sorry man, uh she all yours." He says tripping over himself going back wards.

"One, her name is Florence, two, she isn't anyone's but herself, three, you ever talk to her again, I will personally have to visit you." Said Andy smiling in an way that could frighten anyone.

"Uh sure man, I didn't mean to offend.. Uh" said Jacob walking away quickly towards his cubicle.

After Andy finished looking back at a recoiling  Jacob he turned his attention back towards he.

"So how about that lunch?"

Arrrrr! So excited about how this Story is headed so far omg! Al the reader and votes and amazing!


Listening to~ middle, DJ snake.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 💀🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now