Chapter 32: rough night, rough day, rough life.

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Florence's Pov:

My shift seemed to drag, drink after drink I served and by the end of the night I was so done with being hit on every second.

The dive closes at 3 in the morning and after Rosie says I can leave and go home and I've got the job, I feel a bit better. I guess everyone's first night on job is hard.

My feet are sore, my hair a mess and my energy diminished when I arrive back at the apartment. I don't bother undressing and crash immediately on my bed.


Andy's Pov:

Florence cradled in my arms heat radiating between our bodies, home.

My slumber was waken as the plane touches down. CC, who sat next to me was snoring quite loud which I could see annoyed other passengers. Jake, Ashley and jinx where quietly talking to each other in the row off seats behind me.

I wanted to escape back to my dream, be back with Florence, not on this musty overly cramped plane. God what I'd do to be away from here, but messed all the chance I had to get her back. I can't face her now.

Beside me CC violently wakes up in a series of loud snores. There's no point to jumping up out of my seat and wanting to get out this plane, I know from many tours and plane trips the unloading of the plane usually takes a good while.

"Man? Has the plane landed already, could've slept enough hour." CC grains next to me.

"Yeah" I simply reply, I don't have the energy to be gleefully anymore.

"God your still in a shit mood." CC groans pushing his head dramatically into the back of the seat.

I don't look at him, I don't want to deal with there complaining today.

"Your going to be a fucking pain in the arse this tour I can just tell you know." CC mumbles to himself.

"Oh fuck off" I snap.

Eventually we exit the plane, the six of us including our manager.

I hate this already, only to think how many  months this will  have to last, days ago I was totally and fully in love with the girl with the spiky red hair.

Now I have to live with these sweaty musicians for however long.

Florence pov:

The sun is shining brilliantly through the window and I wish it would fuck off. I'm so tiered, the alcohol in my system isn't agreeing with me and I want to die. Some one is home. So somehow out of the luck of god I get myself up and out of the soft loverly comfort that is my bed to see who the heck is in my house.

I dont make it out to the kitchen but instead end up in the bathroom, vomiting the entirety of my stomach up.

Once I'm finished I go to the sink and rinse my mouth out of the vial taste.

I can still hear someone in the kitchen, so once I'm to some degree of normalcy I go see who it is, expecting Tayla.

But I'm taken back when I see Jax, shirtless (when does he ever have a shirt on really) and his hair messed.

"Why are you here? To see Tayla I presume, well she isn't here." . I say a bit sharply.

"I'm here to see you actually" He said in a sleazy  'I can get any girl kind of tone'.

"Why would that be." I ask with a venomous tone.

"Well me and Tayla have been bored with just  us two, thought we could spice it up, make it three." He said making me nearly throw up again.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now