Chapter 15: Your braver than i thought.

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Andy's Pov:

To tell you the truth, I was a bit shocked at what Florence had said to me over the phone. A girl who hadn't done really  any remotely sexual thing in her life talking dirty like that. It stirred something deep inside me.

So here I was making the flight of stairs up to Florence's apartment to meet her after her unexpected dirty talking.

I was leaning against her door smoking a freshly lit cigarette when I heard her coming up the stairs. My body seemed to react to her near me like I was high on adrenaline.

"Oh and you you came!" She exclaimed as she finally got to the small level space that her room opened into from.

Her crimson hair was a mess from the autumn wind outside, her emerald eyes wild with a fiery craze about them.

"Of course"

She quickly ran to open the door, thumbing with her keys nervously.

The door flew open from her weight being push into it. Florence stumbled slightly before righting herself, then walking into the kitchen and throwing her bag down on to the bench which kept going and slid into the floor.

Florence groaned and headed to the couch before throwing herself down.

Andy laughed around his cigarette at her clumsiness.

Her head flicked around glaring at me, which only made me smirk more.

I finished my cigarette and stubbed it into ash tray on the bench, while I was there I picked up her purse and place it back on the bench.

Following her to the couch I sat down next to her.

"So what was all that about before on the phone?"

"I'm sorry about that... It's kinda a long story.." She said starting to bite her finger nails, which I noticed was her nervous habit.

"It's ok, I've got heaps of time. "  Smirking I look at her and she really is a beauty undeniably. Even in her embarrassed state, butting her nails I still want her in more ways than one.

"Well I work at this layer firm a few blocks away and this co-worker of mine, his names Jacob. Anyway he has this thing for me and his always harassing me and asking me to go to dinner with him. I was stuck in the elevator with him today and he started going on with his usual plan of attack to get me to out with him and just has he asked you rung so I thought maybe if I could make him think I had a boyfriend he would leave me alone. I'm sorry about really. It was kinda stupid."  She said mumbling looked flushed and extremely embarrassed.

I couldn't help myself. Reaching down to cup her face I lifted it to look me in the eye, Florence froze under my touch unsure of what would happen next.

"Your braver than I thought." I said genuinely smiling at her.

"I glad you got him from annoying you cause other wise we would have needed to talk." I said joking, smiling wickedly.

Florence giggled softly.

There was a silence between them, like there was unsaid words hanging in the air around them.

"Can I kiss you?"

"No" she said finally looking at me through her thick eyelashes.

I lied in the previous chapter about this one would be longer but haha!! I want to kept the suspense going....  I'm so evil omg. Anyways hope everyone is liking the story, if not... Well comment below how I could fix the story. I would really love feedback only nice though.


Listening to~ worth it, fifth harmony.

Keep smiling and keep reading everyone! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now