Chapter 31: Oh its that kinda job.

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Andy's Pov;

The question that replayed in my mind was wouldn't you love to love her?

That was all I could do, love her I mean. Well all I wanted. But it wasn't enough, band before girls that was how we made it work.

But the way I left her was cruel, no explanation, no real reason. I didn't have it in me to go back plead for her forgiveness, I didn't have the guts to see her sad teary eyes. I was a real coward.

She's probably waking up with no one, still in my tear soaked shirt, waiting for me to run back through her door.

But I can't look back, I've ruined it all now, she isn't going to love me as much any more. I have to pack and leave, the bands sorting out the arrangements with flights while I tie off lose ends.

Florence was just one that I got rid of first. After this tour I'm sacking our manger, I'll manage the band if I have too, I started it, I have the finally say and at the moment I'm ready to punch our manager in the head at any possible time.

I stuff my clothes in a duffle bag and make sure the hotel room is cleaned. Well this is it, no more Florence and no more of my time here, maybe leaving will be good for me. I hope.

Florence's Pov:

By lunch time, I've done enough shuffling around like a zombie, I found a note from Tayla explaining her absence, she got a job. I also decided actual food was needed so I had order Chinese from the little shop down the street. After feeling sufficiently like a whale full of food, I went to see what to wear tonight.

It wasn't looking good, nothing was sexy. With a quick inspection I decided I was in serious need for a new wardrobe, because what do you do after a break up, waste money that's what.

I threw Andy's dirty shirt on the floor and put on sweat pants and a white shirt. Stuff that's easy to take on and off.

Before heading out i tidied up my room and the apartment a bit. I need to get out of the house.

After rummaging in my hand bag for what felt like ages I pull out the girls number, from Victoria secret. I'll see if she wants a girls day out shopping.

I put her number into my phone and let it ring.

"Hello?" The familiar voice asks through the phone.

"Hi! It's Florence from that day at Victoria's Secret, I bought the ridiculous black lingerie." I explain.

"Oh hi! Omg I thought you would never call back." She says happily.

"Oh well here I am."

"I was wondering if you'd like to come shopping with me today, a girl day out of something?" I ask.

"Omg yes! I don't have work so where and when?" She asks.

"At the mall on 5th in half an hour." I say.

"Ok I'll be there waiting at the front for you." She says before hanging up.

I lock the apartment and head down the stairs out onto the street, I throw my arm out alerting a cab.

After giving the directions to the driver, I sit back into seat and let my mind wander till we arrive at the mall. The cabby pulls away from the curb and up the street, i zone out not caring to look at the scenery that is concrete and buildings. That is till a hotel catches my eye as we drive by, it's Andy's.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now