Chapter 33: no contact.

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Florence's Pov:

I haven't talked to Andy for weeks.

He never replied to that message and he's never going to.

No calls, no messages... Nothing.

I feel like this is the lowest my life has ever been at, this even tops all my bullying days in high school.

The weeks are jumbling  together and I can't even remember the date.

Every night I head to the club at 9 and work through the night. The next morning I don't know who I am.

Tayla is as distant as ever , I think she's keeping her distance because she's angry with me because of what happened with Andy. Lily never calls and all my missed call she never replies to , Jax keeps coming over and knows that Tayla isn't home, I don't know what he wants but he's pestering me.

I'm done with this life.

I haven't eaten in days and I refuse to look at myself in the mirror.

I know I should be stronger, more capable, but my reflection that stares back at me in the mirror holds no memory of what I was before Andy.

It's not his fault I have to keep reminding myself, I could have gone on his tour stayed together but I refused.

My fault, not his.

Andy never notice before when we were together, the old nearly faded scares. Ever my time I walk into the bathroom and see the medicine cabinet I think back to high school, where crying myself to sleep and the razors in the bathroom where my only help, it's at times like this where I feel as though I'm going to go back to that empty shell. But I can't.

This has been my life for  three weeks. Depressed, work, drunk, sleep, depressed, work, drunk, sleep.

But hey the rents getting paid....

Andy's Pov:

Florence has gone to the back of my mind for now, but all the time I feel it itching away eating me up from inside with guilt.

The tour is in full swing, fans are crazy but amazing as ever and the days are flying together, show after show, different town after town.

I'm to caught up in the thick of it that I never get a chance to talk to Florence. I meant to text her back but something stopped me.

I love her but she's probably living her life and is over me. I bet she's even found a new guy. My stomach twists at the thought but I know that's what's best for her.


The morning  sun is brilliant through my window, I didn't drink last night at my shift and I feel better for it.

Swinging out of bed my naked feet feel cold on the floor but as soon as I've stood up, dizziness rises to my head, I feel my stomach clench. I make it to the bathroom just in time before throwing myself violently over the toilet bowl.

This is strange, I didn't drink last night.

I pull my hair away from my face so I can hurl again as a another wave of sickness hits me.

I feel to sick to head in to work today so once I've gone to the sink to rinse my mouth, I head back into my room and pick up my phone, hopefully I can make a call before I get sick again.

I dial Rosie's number and she nearly misses my call with her picking the phone up on the last ring.

" hey Rosie." I mumble out in a horse voice, I can barely talk.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now