Chapter 20: My Saviour!

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Florence's Pov:

"How did you do that?!" he asks shocked.

"Do what?" I said laughing at his surprise.

"Get rid of the my fans." Said genuinely wanting to know how I did it.

"I just told them that I recognised the Andy biersack walking up the street and they ran right out to find You." Smirking I nudged Andy in the shoulder.

"Life saver." He said flashing me the gorgeous smile that I love.

" The food looks great!" I said exclaiming.

I font of us sat to identical cherry pies topped with glazed cherries and cream.

Started to eat my food, being as hungry as I was.

I finished my plate quick, pushed it forward and looked up at Andy. Who might I add looked very dapper eating his pie with Dante bites. Trying to act posh is my guess.

"You ate that quick?" He says with judging eyes.

I blush to the extreme. And now I feel like a stupid blushing school girl over a crush.

But he's the one, I know it this time.

"Here" he said reaching out and wiping what looked as cream off the side of my cheek before putting his finger in his mouth in a very sexual manner.

With anyone else I would of thought of what he just did a embarrassing but when Andy did it, it aroused something deep within me. It was extremely hot!

I shook me head to get rid of the crazy thoughts, we were in the middle of a public place and I don't think in would be acceptable to jump his bones in front of these nice people.

"I better get back to work soon." I said sadly.

"Ok, we will catch a cab back so your not late." He says while finishing off his food. 

"Ok great." I grab his hand as we stand up to leave, hand in hand, the perfect couple.

Once Andy had paid after much argument from me we left the dinner. Andy pulled me along up the street a bit to hail a cab. Just as we turn a corner the group of kids that I got rid of in the dinner where walking towards us.

"ANDY MOTHERFUCKEN BIERSACK!!" One screams and points in our direction. Every head turns in our direction and the stampede of children is running at us full speed.

I've never been a amazing runner but in times of stress I'm worse.

"That's that chick that lied about him!!" Another fan yelled. They were crazy!

Andy struggling to pull me along quickly scoops me up in his arms and legs it up the street out running the kids by miles. I'm bouncing along in his arms whilst his feet thumped along the pavement of the side walk.

The fans calling Andy soon get  out of ear shoot and I realise how fast Andy is running.

We get to the other end of the block and Andy sets me down breathing hard.

"Wow you have some stamina!" I say smirking with my hand on my hip.

Andy bursts out in laughter, bending over clutching his stomach.

"One minute your the most innocent girl on the planet and then next you surprise me like that!"  Andy manages to say through his laughter.

I laugh at his comment and walk to the curb sticking my hand in the air to hail a cab, I'm going to be late, again.

"Andy I Have to get back, come on!"  I say pulling his hand for him to stand with me.

I give him the, your doing something wrong maybe you should stop look, before he finally composed himself.

A cab pulled up, I jumped in and Andy following.

"We're ya headed?" Slurs the cabby.

"To 2nd street, Burly Bothers lawyer firm, and fast." I said quickly.

The cab pulled out from the cab and up the street like a bat out of hell.

Hope you enjoyed! Trying to update more bit I'm always busy.


Listening to~ dreams, Fleetwood Mac.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 💀🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now