Chapter 16: offical!

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Florence's Pov:

"No." I answer him.

Oh trust me I want to but, I want to take it slow no matter what anyone says.

"why?" He asks a bit taken back by my sudden seriousness.

"Because andy to tell you the truth I really like you and I don't want to get hurt, I want my first list be memorable." I say shrugging.

Andy's Pov:

I know she hadn't had a first kiss before for but I mean I didn't  think she was serious. Like she was in the moment I was in the moment and she said no. I would respect her wishes then.

I picked up her hand studding it care fully looking at the rings that held different coloured gems.

"Ok" I replied.

"Really like I'm surprised you're cool with this, like any other guy wouldn't wait." She said cautiously.

"Well I'm happy to wait for you." I say holding her hand tightly.

"But can I ask you one thing?" I ask.

"Yeah what's that?" She asked a little bit apprehensive.

"Well I never have anyone with me in tours with the band and it's just me and the guys and I get lonely sometimes. Since I met you Florence in that alley I can't stop thinking about you, trust me I want to but I just can't, so what I'm trying to say is... Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I say vulnerably.

I haven't  had a girl friend since I left Scout. I missed her horribly but I have moved on now and Florence was the best thing in my life since then, I know I haven't known her long but I just can't get over her.

Florence was speechless, staring up at me blankly. Her emotions unreadable but not totally, she looked utterly beautiful and stunned like a deer in the headlights.


"Yeah Ye- ah ah uh I'll be you girl friend" she stuttered.

"Really?" I was astonished, like totally shocked, I thought she would say no and totally reject me. I never expected this.

Florence's Pov:

What was I to say, no? I couldn't, Andy sitting there all in his cute leather get up staring at me with such pleading eyes. Trust me I want Andy I really did I just couldn't get over the fact that Andy Biersack rock star and all round sex on legs wanted me, a workaholic with one close friend. I just couldn't comprehend it really. And when I said yes he seemed as shocked as I was, like he expected for me to say no. It was strange because he could get any girl he  want, rich, famous, anyone! Why me!

I had nothing to offer.. Nothing special.


Omg guys looks like there official...! Any hope your enjoying so far! Comment and vote for more and hopefully I'll get around to updating and editing more 😅  for all them grammar nazis out there, 😬I'm going to do a major edit through once this story is completed! So ya.


Listening to~ what do you mean, jb.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now