Chapter 9: what have i done.

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Florence's Pov:

Why can't I be as outgoing as Tayla? I had empty apartment, a gorgeously handsome man with me and what did I do, freak out!  And why, because I was scared to have my first kiss. But it was with Andy Biersack. I am utterly and stupidly hopeless.

But if he really wanted to be with me wouldnt he have come after me?

I ran up them stupid stairs and hid. I literally left him just standing there with his mouth gapping open like an idiot.

Oh god. Should I call him to apologise for running off like that. No, I'll leave it for a while, I decide.

I'll wait till Tayla gets back and ask her what I should do. She will most definitely have an answer, she's had to deal with so many relationships.

It will be ok, I'll apologise and he'll accept it.

I feel stupid standing crouched behind the door to my apartment  so I head for the shower, in hopes to wash away this fail of a date.

Andy's Pov:

What did I do to make her run of like that, a kiss isn't  that scary and she was so confident before then.

Maybe she hasn't had her first kiss before. I have made a big mistake, a first kiss should be memorable and I probably scared her.

I have to apologise now.

I swivel from the direction I'm walking and head back towards her apartment, I didn't want to catch a dirty cab. I was already a block away so I basically ran back to her apartment. I squashed my burning cigarette on the steps of her apartment building and ran up stairs to her apartment.

Her place wasn't nice I have to admit, it was the sort of thing you would see in like a band house, the wall paper fading and peeling. The paint old and worn. The carpet looked as if it had to many drinks spilt on it. It is what you call a dump. Well the stair case was anyway from what I saw of Florence's apartment it was clean, tidy and homely.

I got to her door and knocked loudly. No reply.

I thumped the door harder.
Still nothing.

"Florence its me Andy, I'm sorry for trying to kiss you, please let me in to apologise!" I yelled slightly.


I listened really closely, the shower must be running inside her apartment, of corse that why she can't hear me.

I had two options,
One, I could leave a note and come back tomorrow to apologise.

Two, I could go in and wait till she gets out of the shower.

Not listening to my subconscious I take the later of the two options and go inside, hopefully she doesn't kill me.

The doors unlocked but the handle is olds which makes me have to push the door with my shoulder.

The door opens to a slightly over crowded with furniture living room.

The sound of running water is coming from down the hall.

"You shoot me down but I get up I am titanium!! Ooh waooooh!" Sings Florence from in the shower.

Laughter takes over me and I find myself rolling around on the couch.

Florence keeps pelting out the notes to the song and I just can't stop laughing. This girl is going to make me crazy.

I hear the shower turn off then the bathroom door open then shut.

I could leave and not apologies, which would save myself from Florence killing me for being in her apartment.

Just as I was about to get up from couch Florence came in and picks some thing of the floor that resembles a bra. I'm surprised that she haven't noticed me yet.

Wrapped in a towel with her hair all slicked back is so attractive. She gorgeous.

After a few moments I think she notices me because the bra she was holding goes flying and the towel that was around her is now in a puddle on the floor.


Hope you enjoy the new chapter.


Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now