Chapter 21: jobless

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Florence's Pov:

"YOUR FIRED!" my boss yells as Andy and I step out of the elevator.

I speed walk towards him leaving Andy behind and try and make excuses to my boss.

"I sorry, we got caught up with traffic and Andy go bombarded buy fans an-"

"I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses, all you even did here was be lazy, not taking this job seriously. I will black list you with every lawyer firm from hear to the east coast. I want your desk cleared in an hour." He said finally before turning on the spot and walking away.

As soon as my former boss had gotten out of sight I broke down, ugly wet sobs echoed through the tightly packed cubical filled floor.

Andy rushed over to me, seeing my distress.

"Hey, hey baby. It's ok, your fine , I'm here." He said putting both of his large hands on the side of my face to make me look at him. Suddenly everything was ok, as soon as Andy's eyes met mine all shock of loosing my one and only job faded away.

"What am I going to do?" I wailed and sobbed into Andy's chest. He had his arms protectively rapped around me cradling me to his hard body.

"Sshsh babe everything's is gonna be alright." Coos Andy massaging the back of my head tenderly.

I finally compose myself to some extent after a lot of attempts from Andy to clam me down. You see this was my first real job and it paid pretty good, it's all had till Andy so I was more than devastated.

"Can you help me pack my stuff into boxes?" I ask Andy as he lets me go from our hugging position.

"Of course." He says with a sorry smile, somehow understanding the exact way I'm feeling and mirroring it.

I find some old paper sorting boxes in the genitors closet and come back to my desk and find Andy already stacked all my belongings on my white little cubicle desk.

All of my stuff fits in one box and I soon realise how little I impacted this firm. I never even held a case in court before after working here for 2 and a half years. For what?! Paper work.

In an instant I went for sad to that angry I could rip someone's head clean off.

I spent two good years of my life for jack and now all I had to show for it was a old mouldy apartment and a box full of office supplies.

And it dawned on me, i was finally liberated. From the costa phobic office stalls, the harassing employees, the evil boss and the dreariness of it all.

I finally could be happy and not worry about the stupid job!

I think, I'm going through some sort of emotional break down, three different emotions in less than 5mins.




What the hell.

I give my desk another once over to check I haven't left anything behind.

"You know it will all be ok, I promise you." Andy says picking up my box of stuff- he refused to let me carry it.

I'm walking ahead of Andy keen to be free of the stuffy building once and for all when of all people steps in my way.

Jacob. Sign. This will be interesting.

I don't see when Andy put my box of belongings down and I don't see when or where Andy came from, I thought he was way behind me but in a second Andy and has punched Jacob square in to nose.

Instantly Jacob is clutching his nose and screaming,

"You broke my fucking nose! Arrrghh!"

People Are running out of their cubicles to see what the commotion was and soon the boss is running out of his all glass walled office, two security guards trailing behind him.

"Ma'm ,sir, you must leave to premises right away." One security guard says to us as Andy rubs his hand that he just used to beat the guys nose into his face.

"Uh sure sorry about this. " I say and try and push Andy toward the elevator to escape away from the tense situation.

Andy picks up my box and hurries to get in the elevator with me.

As soon as the doors are safely shut we burst into laughter..

Hey guys, always feel free to comment. I love hearing from my readers.

If you would like to keep informed about updates of my stories or delays with the writing process please feel free to follow me here on wattpad. I post milestones on votes, delays on when I may not be able to update and also shout outs. So it's a win win for every one. To be brutally honest I need more followers also. So ya!

Oh and too sorry about the spelling and wording in this chapter it's just I'm writing on the go and don't have time to re-read. Sorry grammar nazis.

If you want to go check out my other stories:

Insectiva - witches with a twist, this one controls insects.

There's blood on your hands. - set in the dystopian future, one brave girl must concur all to win the battle between what she's been taught and what she loves.

Done for you. - an Andy biersack fanfic with two lovers upon which you are now reading.

Poterè - when your past has been hidden for so long, you never really know what or who you are, but you'll find out with the full moon. (Werewolves).

I thought if I'm gunna name all my stories in here why not throw in a brief summary as well.

You now the drill,


Listening to~ Fleetwood Mac, Sara ( this song is the literal bomb for me atm)

Keep reading and keep smiling every one!! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now