Chapter 36: Im going to kill him.

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Andy's Pov:

The plane touched down with a thunderous groan, the wheels skidding along the wet Tarmac.

After hearing what Tayla had to say I was scared to see Florence, scared for what I was about to see wouldn't be the Florence I always new and scared because of the look Florence would give me and how deep down, I new how bad I hurt her.

After the numerous families with young children got of the plane I finally could, and I basically ran through customs with the bag checking and scanners going by in a blur, as soon as I got out to the pick up And drop off area I got in a cab.

"Go into the city, I'll give directions as you drive." I barked at the cabby.

After he pulled away from the curb I called the local hospital.

"Hello, state hospital, Andrea speaking." Said a two happy voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hi I was wondering if you had a patient named Florence Carter in your care?" I said.

"A second sir." She said before keyboard keys started rattling in the background.

There was a silence before she comes back on the line.

"Sir, she's in our wing B, critical room." She said mumbling.

"Thank you." I said before hanging up.

"The state hospital, hurry." I barked at the driver and he put the foot down.

Once the cab skidded to a halt out the front of the towering hospital building, I threw my bag over my shoulder and jumped out of the cab slamming the door in the process. The hospital halls flew past as I ditched the elevator for the stairs and found the front desk for B wing. The girl behind the desk had boring brown hair and brown eyes but a friendly enough smile.

"Andrea?" I say looking at her

Her head flies up and she looks at me and smiles, obviously appreciating looking at me.

"What can I do for you?" She asks, batting her eye lashes.

"Florence Carter, what room is she in?" I asked quickly.

"On the left last room at the end of the hall." She says pointing to the hall way to her right.


I take off again down the corridor, Tayla and a doctor are arguing over something, suddenly Tayla yells Florence's name and the machines in the room are going crazy, I start running and reach her room.

Time has stopped.

Florence, oh god what have I done leaving her. She looks like a skeleton, her skin isn't the usual glowing pale skin that I ran my fingers over again and again, her hair is longer and darker, dead looking, her eyes red and blood shot from either crying or injuries. Her small leg is heavily bandaged and in a cast, her arm strapped to her chest in a sling, her throat is purple with angry bruises and as she goes to leap from the bed I catch sight of a canvas of large cuts and bruises all over her body hidden by the blue hospital dressing gown. Just as Florence goes to stand up off the bed, her fail feet slip on the tiled floor and she starts falling towards the floor, just as she does I lunge past Tayla knocking her into the doctor and run to catch Florence.
She lets all of her little weight fall into my arms and doesn't even have the energy to bring her head up to look at me.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now