Chapter 38: Honesty, recovery and a new resedense

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*a week later*

Florence's Pov:

Slowly but over the next week the needle in my arm is removed, my bruises are all but gone and I'm itching to leave. I can easily support myself now on crutches so I swing my legs out of bed and grab the crutches slipping them under my arms.

I've only made it out into the hallway outside of my room when Andy comes back, a bunch of folded clothes in one hand.

"Andy." I sigh taking in his appearance.

Andy hasn't left my side since the miscarriage, when I wake most days he's got different clothes and looks freshly showered, he's renting a hotel nearby and if I ask he provides, two days ago he snuck McDonald's to the hospital for me and god it was good.

"I got you some clothes, you get to leave today." He says flashing me an angelic smile.

When he reaches me I lean up and he kisses me tenderly, we promised to make it work, no matter what. So I guess interaction comes with making it work, ever since Jax, the only person I can remotely feel comfortable with is Andy, he doesn't scary me, like everyone else.

"Do I get to leave, finally I can see something other than these damned white walls." I say rolling my eyes.

Andy chuckles and grabs my hand from holding me up on the crutches, I lean into him as I can't hold my weight properly.

"Where are you heading?" He asks playfully.

"Toilet, gimme those ill get changed." I say whilst he sets me back on my feet.

"I'll bring them you can't carry them with your leg." He says as I hobble beside him.

Once I've been to the toilet and Andy doesn't back down to help me dress, he goes to get my realise papers.

By the time he gets back I've hobbled my way back to my room a am picking at my nails as I sit propped on the edge to the bed.

"Here you just have to sign and then I think we can go." He says handing me the papers on a clip board and a pen with it.

Whilst I'm in the process of filling out the forms a doctor comes in, Andy is having a very hushed agitated conversation with him, by the sounds, it's about me, like always...

Once I'm finished I place the papers on the jumbled bed sheets next to me.

"Florence, if you have any problems with your leg or arm, actually anything for that matter don't stop to call me, in another three weeks you will have to go to your GP to get the casts removed, till then rest, relax and recover." He says with a smile and hands me his professional looking business card.

The doctor leaves us and Andy picks up all my belongings, slowly with my hobbling and Andy waiting patiently we leave the hospital, a cab is waiting for us on the street.

Andy's Pov:

For the last week I have been putting funds to together, firstly to pay off all of Florence's dept on the apartment that she was late on, secondly to find us a new home, so I can give Florence all the care she needs.

I want this to be a surprise so I told the cabby to drive to Florence's first to make her think we're going back there, she will never be able to sleep a night in her old apartment thinking of all the shit that happened there so my solution so to buy her a gift, somewhere totally different.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now