Chapter 6: You cant ignore him forever...

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Florence's Pov:

"Florence, you have to talk to him this is the 2nd call today." She squealed as my phone vibrated on the bench.

I had been ignoring Andy for to weeks now and Tayla wasn't happy. She thought that I should have gone on to dinner with him. But really I couldn't. Work.

"Tayla I can't." I whined as I looked over the pile of paper work scattered on the counter top.

"Why can't you?! He's obviously interested... He calls every day and you don't pick up! He likes you.." She trailed off.

"Don't say that! He just wants to get into my pants. He does not like me!" I yelled.

"He likes you." Tayla mumbled as she left the kitchen going up the hall.

"He doesn't and I'm not going To call him!" I yelled at her.

"Whatever" she said in defeat.

I figured the argument was over so I kept looking over the pile of work and papers I had to sort for my boss.

I was about half way through my work when there was a loud knock on the door. I jumped of the counter stool and ran slowly to the door. Looking through the peep hole I saw Jax of course.

"Tayla Jax is here!" I yelled.

She came skipping out of her room and up the to door and opened for Jax.

"Hey baby." He said in a tone that would make anyone listening vomit.

"Hey" Tayla replied battering her eyelids.

"Eww take that shit somewhere else." I mumbled walking back to the kitchen.

"Gladly." Jax said In response. We had never really hit it off as friends so Jax slightly hated me... The only reason I let him come around was because with Jax Tayla didn't get carried away with different boys all the time. Oh and he wasn't bad to look at.

I went back to my papers and my mind wandered to Andy...


Andy's Pov:

"Stop calling her man, she obviously dosnt like you." Said CC bluntly while he twirled his drum sticks in between his fingers.

"Don't say that, she's probably busy with work stuff." I replied.

"Ugh, whatever. I swear if you don't get off your phone..." He trailed off eyeing me angrily.

I turned my phone off putting it in my pocket.

"Happy?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, now let's actually practise and watch jinxes solo." He said turning around in the swivel chair he was in to watch jinx in the sound room with his violin up ready.

Jinx started to play the piece out of our album the wild ones, the melody I had heard many times before. The electric violin played through our practise room. Jinx was a real artist with the violin.

He finished the piece, putting his bow and violin on a stand, walking out of the sound room.

"Sound any good?" He asked CC and I.

"Yeah it was great as all ways." I reapplied.

"Yeah good job." Said cc.

We listened over some of our stuff, me singing a bit of vocals, CC playing drums. We eventually packed up our stuff and left the studio to go to dinner.


"Let's just pick up something from a dinner?" CC suggested.

"Yeah why not." Jinx replied.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now