Chapter 8: I cant belive he can have that much effect over me!

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Florence's Pov:

I ate my amazing Italian food all the while Andy kept looking at me. It actually looked like he rather eat me than the food that was in front of him.

I gulped instinctively.

After I finished my food Andy and I talked about his band,

"So how long do you think you'll be staying here?" I asked hoping he would stay.

"Oh maybe a month, our manager thinks we should do more smaller gigs for the fans." He said shrugging.

"So you guys are pretty big in the music scene?" I asked knowing the answer, I wanted to pretend I wasn't really a fan.

"Well I guess, we have a huge fan base in the US so that's a start." He said casually.

"Cool, sounds like they love you guys based on what I saw the other week."

"Yeah that was an awesome show, the crowd rocked." He said as if reliving being on stage.

A light gust blew across the little clearing, I shivered.

"Are you cold?" He asked worried.

"No I'm fine." I said with a smile.

He smiled showing his strait teeth, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Did you enjoy the food, I know I-" he said, me cutting him off.

"I loved the food... Andy I had a loverly time tonight but it's getting late we better get back." I said getting up.

"Yeah your right." He said getting up.

I got up and pushed the little metal chair I had been sitting on back in.

Before I could start walking out of the pergola Andy grabbed my hand, surprising me.

"Florence you don't have to leave, we could pick up coffee maybe?" He asked pleading like he wanted me to stay.

"Ah maybe next time, I really have to get back, Tayla's probably waiting for me." I said lying through my teeth. I was never a good lier.

"I know for sure that isn't true, Tayla called me earlier that she wasn't going to be waiting up for you, she said something about saying with some one." He said with a smirk that said, ha you've been caught.

"Ah well still I have work in the morning, I don't want to be tired." It wasn't a lie but it's wants the truth exactly either.

"Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that." He said a bit defeated.

"Well I'll take you home." He said happily.

"You know you don't have to." I said shrugging.

"Well I going to."

He pulled me down the few steps of the pergola towards the path that trailed away through the park.

He grabbed my arm linking them tightly so I couldn't escape.

It was quicker on the way back through the park on the way back, I don't know if it was because I was anxious or because Andy was tantalisingly handsome... I could barely take my eyes off him.

That's the reason I didn't want to get to close to him, my emotions would take over and I would get feelings that weren't reciprocated. I didn't think Andy likes me the way I liked him, he was probably like every guy, uses a girl then throughs them away.

I wasn't going to be one of them.

The parks trees parted and opened out to the still busy rode, cars flew past in the mad rush that was life.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now