Chapter 26: fight club.

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Cc's pov:

I know Andy's going to flip, just as our manager finishes explaining Andy flys off the bed next to me and is punching into his face.

I don't make a move to break it up, there's no reason. Our manager has been asking for it since the day he came.

Jake and Ashley try and pull Andy off, him being a giant he is they struggle too break up the fight.


I grab my phone and call 911, our manager is going need an ambulance.

Jake pulls Andy's arm, he swings around and hits Jake flat in the face. Suddenly Andy realises what he has been doing and freezes.

"Jake I'm sorry." Andy say apologising.

Jake storms off angrily out of his hotel room leaving Ashley to deal with Andy by himself.

"Seriously dude you need to deal with your anger." Ashley says throwing his arms up before leaving me with Andy.

He turns around to me and looks terribly grim.

"That's was great!" I say smiling.

Andy lifts head up and smirks at me.

Our manger is groaning rolling around on the floor, he has black eye already starting to bruise and by the blood on the front of his shirt something is obviously  broken.

"CC apologise for me to the guys ok, Im heading back out." Andy straightens his jacket and storms out of the room.

Walking over to our manager on the floor I help him up,

"I call you later about this drama, now piss off and clean your self up." I thumping him in the shoulder which then he proceeds to make an audible cry of pain.

After our manger has
Safety made it out on Jakes room without getting in another fight , I text Jake and Ashley.

Come back up to the room, Andy's gone, we have to sort out what to do.

I pushed send and go to the bar fridge for something to dull the sense no matter the cost.

Andy's Pov:

I am beyond furious, my knuckles are busted and bleeding.  Why now?! Just when I'm finally happy! If I leave Florence now she will never forgive me.

I don't remember leaving the hotel but I've already walked two blocks before I decided to hail a cab.

I have to tell Florence what's happened, if I break up with her without an explanation she will be a wreck, totally distraught.

I can barley think as the cab drives through the city, I love Florence, and in my experience long distance never works.

As the cabby puts the breaks on and the cab screeches I fly forward in the back seat and have to brace myself on the front seat.

"The fuck man?!" I groan from the sudden jolt.

"Sorry." The shady cabby mumbles. I pass him money and hope out.

Before I know it I'm I front of Florence's apartment and for some reason I can't bring myself to knock.

I raise my hand up to knock and the opens quick from the inside and Tayla walks right into me, I steady her, holding her shoulders.

"Andy? What are you here, aren't you supposed to be with Florence?" Tayla asked bewildered.  

"No why?" I ask confused.

"She left this morning early, made lots of noise, seemed angry, I just assumed she would be with you cause she's not here. " Tayla explains.

Then it dawns on me, what if she didn't get the note! I push past Tayla and nearly run into Florence's room and throw the covers back. The edge of the note is sticking out from one of the pillows. She didn't read it, she thinks I left her! She must have rolled around and the note hidden. I have to fix this, I can't lose her. Tayla is leaning against the door frame.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Florence, we're is she?" I ask Tayla agitatedly.

"I don't know, she took the car so she's probably doing something important." Tayla says shrugging.

"Argg." I storm out of her room back into the lounge room. Tayla not far behind me.

"If she comes back, you call me, understand." I say pointing at Tayla, who is smirking not even caring about my distress.

"You call me." I yell, walking out of Florence's apartment and slamming the door...

A problem is arising.....


Listening to~ Metallica, unforgiven.

Keep reading and keep smiling! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now