Chapter 35: New life

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Florence's Pov:

It was the next day when I woke up, the doctors had sedated me they said, to stop me from injury myself. 

Once I the sedation wore off the doctors finished the question the officers where meant to ask,

They where mostly the same but one question sent me ice cold, who attacked you? One bearded, tiered looking doctor asked.

I nodded in reply and looked at his clip board in his hands.
He gave me some paper to which I wrote one word. 


After more questions like what's is the date, year?

They told me the extent of my injuries.

I had a broken leg, my wind pipe so badly bruised that I needed help breathing, a broken arm in two places, thankfully it wasn't my writing hand and a concussion which is probably why I went into a coma, they said if the brain injury was any worse I could have died. I was surprised I could remember as much as I could. Oh and I had that much bruising and cuts all over my body that I was like a painting.

That's all they said was wrong with me but I couldn't help but think that my swollen stomach was something wrong as well.

They got me out of bed for the first time to shower the next day , my leg was heavily bandaged and in a cast so I was put in a wheel chair since I couldn't support my own body weight on crutches. They wheeled me out of the room and into another small more sterile looking room with a large expanse of floor space and  a shower in the corner,  there where hand rails  for support and a seat in it under the shower.

The nurse wheeled me in helped me get into the shower seat, she de-robed me and I got all embarrassed.  Then she left me to shower, I have to admit, I could barley move without groaning in pain so it took me for ever. The nurse came back in some time later washed my hair for me the dried me off.

After I was wheeled back into my room, a new Iv needle stuck into my arm, my vitals recorded again and medication administered, I was left in the room to myself.

I don't remember when I fell asleep, I try not to because it's only worse when I'm asleep. The nightmares. The pain.

This dream was different.

Alll I can hear is this ear piercing scream in the darkness. Slowly light comes into view and then  all at once. I'm back in a hospital bed, in front of me my legs are elevated a doctor in a blue sterile gown is between them shouting something and to the left of me is Andy. Unmoving,  arms crossed and the look of disgust on his face as he watches the whole scene like a god. Another scream rips through my dream and  I realise what's going on, a baby, another scream and then silence. From the silence I hear the soft cry of a baby, my body goes limp and I  turn to look at Andy, he's walking away out the door shaking his head. The babies cries brings me back to reality, the nurse passes me a bundle of blankets with my baby. Through heavy breaths I look down and solid black eyes stare back at me as if I'm looking into the Devils soul.

I jolt awake, shaken by my nightmare. I don't understand my dreams anymore, Andy? A baby? What's going on in my head.  The hospital is the same as it always was but it must be the middle of the night, the usual harsh lights are off and the room is mostly dark expect from the too shiny tiled floor.

Instead of going back to sleep, I make it a plan to stare at the white roof covered in long shadows as the moonlight shines from outside  the window.


Andy's Pov:

The airport in bustling with life, people getting onto planes and off them, family members joyously greeting there long seen relatives coming off the arrival terminal.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now