Chapter 5:Calling....

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Florence's Pov:

I nearly ran out of the hotel and onto the bustling street. Cars were racing up the street in the late afternoon traffic.

Catching the eye of a taxi, it pulled up the the side walk with the window rolled down.

A little Italian man with a black beard was in the drivers side, he had a portable ear piece on and a fluorescent orange jacket.

"Where would you alike a to go?" He said his accent so thick it was nearly unrecognisable to understand.

I got in the back of the taxi behind the divider and told him the directions to my apartment.

I stared out the window thinking about the events that had unfolded earlier. Nearly got jumped by cruel men, saved by the one and only Andy Beirsack and then being taken care off by him. Then stupidly I ran out on him practically leaving him looking stunned. He even had my number, what the hell would he want with my number?

Lost in my thoughts the driver of the taxi pulled me out of my half asleep state.

"Girl, we are a here." He said eyeing her critically from the reverseing mirror.

"Yeah thanks." I said chucking him all the money I had.

I pulled myself out from the plastic covered seats and stumbled catching the curb on my boot nearly falling. I saved myself with the taxis door handle.

I slammed the door righting myself and the taxi pulled away from the side walk and drove back into the still bustling traffic.

I made my way to the base of the stair case of the building my apartment was In. There was no elevator so I made the long trek up to my apartment.

I got there unlocking the door with my spare key. I chucked my bag and hoodie in the entryway.

"Tayla! I'm Back!" I yelled calling through the echoey rooms.

I loud irritated groan resonated from the her bedrooms direction. I walked the her room pushing the slightly ajar door.

"Sleepy head, oi, it's late in the afternoon, wake up." I said loudly grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her .

"Piss off" is she mumbled into a pillow. The sheets were a tangle around her half nude curvy frame.

"Get up! Put some clothes on and get your ass out to the kitchen, I'm going to make some coffee and I have some thing to tell you." I said opening her curtains letting afternoon light flood her room illuminating everything.

"Urgggghh" She said rolling over.

I stomped out of her room to go and hunt down the coffee jug. The apartment was a shambles. I recognised Tayla's clothes from last night making a detached trail to her room and a lamp was knocked over, it's broken halfs on the wood panelled floor.

I flicked the jug on and pulled to mugs off the shelf.

A scuffling noise came from up the hallway. I knew coffee would wake the monster.

"Coffffffeee" she said dragging the word out slurred.

I handed her a full mug off coffee, talking one for myself and clutching it greedily.

"Wow... Florence are you ok?" Tayla suddenly asked making me look up from my coffee.

"Your... Face." She said shocked suddenly awake.

"Yeah that was what I wanted to talk about." I said sadly.

"What hap-ppened?" Tayla said stuttering.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now