Chapter 27: shop of horrors

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I've been walking and catching cabs all day. My feet are beyond sore and I so ready to give up on the whole I need a job crap. I'll just live on the street like a bum. Arrg why is life so hard.

I refuse to answer the six, yes six missed calls from Andy and I don't intend to. He made his bed, now he has to sleep in it. I'm tough, if he thought I'm the sought of girl that he can sleep and ditch with then mister Andy biersack 'I'm a big rock star' has another thing coming to him.

Just as I'm about to give up hope on the whole job thing I walk into the more interesting side of town, all the hipster cafes, restaurants and alternative clothing shops. Down a side ally there's a coffee shop/ house of horrors, so being me and liking the creepier side of life, I go in.

The door of the shop has a little bell which goes off alerting the goth girl at the front counter . In my 23 years I have never seen so much black in one place at the same time. It's like a goddamn vampire lair.

"Hi what can I get for you?" Asked the girl, now up close I can see the extent of her style, her face littered with metal and tattoos lined up her arms. I like it but it definitely was shocking to look at.

"Um hi, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to go about this but I was looking to see if your employing at the moment?" I ask.

"Actually your in luck, most of our staff quit and where in need of some one." She said smiling, all her piercings pulling tight as her face contorted.

"Great! Do I need to speak to the manager to confirm or can you talk to him for me?" I ask hoping I can get away from this interesting but scary looking girl.

"Your talking to her. Give me your resume, you start Monday." She said taking my résumé.

"Uh, thanks, I'll be here. Is there a certain time I should be here?" I ask.

"9.00pm, wear something you shouldn't." She says before walking away to the back of the shop.

"Thanks!" I yell before leaving and
Hailing a cab back on the street.

Taylas Pov:

I knew it wasn't Andy back because of the way she didn't barge in, I even bet see was trying to sneak around so I wouldn't confront her about what I saw last night. I threw open my bedroom door and just saw the tail end of her shirt disappear into her own room.

After a small internal debate with myself on whether I should call Andy or not I decide for there relationships sake I should.

I head back into my room and dial Andy's number. He picks up in the first ring.

"Andy she's back." I say quietly.

"Is she ok?" He asks worried.

"Yeah, come on over she won't want to talk but you can try." I say.

"Ok, I'll be there in a second." He says hanging up.

I leave my phone in my room and go and wait in the kitchen for Andy's arrival, coffee sound like a good idea so I make myself one and turn the Tv on to whatever's on.

This is Florence's first even serious relationship, it's going to work if I have anything to do with it.


Soon as I've hung up the phone I'm walking back towards Florence's, I was having coffee three blocks down waiting for Taylas call. I've got to make it right.

When I get there I don't bother knocking, I walk right past Tayla sitting on the couch.

"Andy don't screw this up." She saying quietly warning me from where she's sitting.

Ignoring her I got straight to Florence's room. I decide to knock cause if I just barge in and she's getting changed she will be more angry.

"Florence?" I say quietly tapping the door.

"Don't come in." I hear a horse voice from inside.

Ignoring her I push the door open and quietly resting back in its place.

Florence is sitting on the edge of her still crumpled bed, hands in lap and on her prefect angelic face a single tear stained with mascara running down her face.

I had caused this and only now I was going to break more bad news to her. Was I actually doing this, break the heart I loved the most?

"Florence.... We need to talk."

After a sniffle and a hiccup she turned towards me, sadness welling I her eyes.

I swear I'm dropping a new bomb every chapter now, These cliffhangers Ay..... Oh well enjoy.


Listening to~ freak, lana deal rey.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone!! 💀🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now