Chapter 29: Decisions have to be made.

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Florence's Pov:

I tell Andy we have to talk, I don't think jumping into bed with each other was the best idea when we're going through problems especially him leaving for tour.

After agreeing I make him get dressed because, him in bed with is Raven black hair all messed and the lack of clothing on his body I find quite distracting.

Once he's dressed he sits down and holds my hand again, I love it how he has To always be touching me like he's that physically attracted to me but also mentally that he can't enough.

"Florence come on tour with me." I new he was going to ask but I wish he didn't, of all the things he could of said I wish it was, I'll say here with you, forever.

"I can't." I frown looking down at our intertwined hands.

"Why, you don't have a job holding you down, I'll help pay for the apartment while we are away, you will get to travel. What's not to want?" He shrugs, I can tell he's getting agitated from not getting me to understand his point of view.

"Well some of that's not entirely true." I say softy.

"I kinda go a job today."

"Well that's just great aap Florence! I just wish you would have asked me." He huffs.

"Your not my father I don't have to ask you anything." I yank my hand from his.

"Florence what are we going to do, you can't go and I can't stay." He puts his head in his hands then stands up suddenly.

"Maybe we do need to break up. If I hadn't saved you in that ally this all wouldn't be happening, someone else would have saved you, a average joe and you could be happy and not have to worry about dating a rock star." He says getting angrier.

I'm shocked he would say that, tears threaten to spill from my eyes and suddenly I don't want to be near him anymore.

"I'm done then, go have fun on your stupid tour if you think that", I yell storming out of my room, slamming the door in the process and running into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I can't believe that an hour ago we were in such a passionate moment and now he's threatening to dump me while I sit on the toilet and sob into his t shirt that I'm wearing. God no wonder why I didn't bother with relationships before, there's just so  much heart break that comes with them.

I don't how long I sat there, not wanting to go back to Andy and wanting him to come in here and beg for forgiveness. I stifled my tears and that's when I heard him behind the door.

"Florence?" Andy mumbles in a hushed voice.

I don't feel the need to answer him, he knows I'm in here and I don't care what he has to say.

"Unlock the door." He orders pretty harshly.

I slowly stand up off the toilet and unlock the door before going back to were I was originally sitting.

I don't look at him as he walks to me and crouches down . Even with His innocent expression I don't want to forgive him.

"Florence, look, I didn't mean what I said." He sighed fiddling with the hem on his jacket.

"Sure sounded like you did." I say sniffling.

"I'm sorry." Andy mumbles before placing a kiss on my head and leaving the room.

I don't know why I didn't get up straight away, follow him maybe. But I just sat there admiring the white tiled floor in the bathroom. I should have run after him, should have said he was all I ever wanted. But I didn't.

By the time I left the bathroom to find Andy and finish our conversation, he was gone.

Well shit, I have no idea where I'm going with this. Andy's gone but is this for real this time. 😱


Listening to~ knives and pens, bvb.

Keep smiling and keep reading everyone!! 🌻💀🌻💀🌻

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now