Chapter 40: The best things in life come with a price.

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Florence Pov:

Over the next few weeks I have regularly been going to a therapist that the doctor from the hospital suggested, I complained but Andy wouldn't budge. I very  easy to persuade, I guess. I agreed  to go but with much argument on both Andy and my own. My therapist is a loverly lady but some times I just wish I didn't have to see the wild curls blonde hair and large thick glasses that make her eyes look big and take over her entire small face of my therapist. She listens and cries with me which I appreciate more than anything in the whole world. Andy worries, I know he does. He evens asks to find out what we talk about in our sessions but I pray she will never tell and a break our trust, he can never know what happened, ever, it would simply ruin him. Being able to finally tell some, even just a therapist who does this every day, someone who is unbiased about the crap that happened to me is the most liberating thing anyone could ever want.

Since I was emitted from the hospital the events of the night are slowly coming back to me in angry horrible bursts. So real if feels as if I'm experiencing them all over again. So it's good to finally tell some one, all the shit that I try to save Andy from hearing and seeing me cry from.

Andy and I are talking again like best friends, we slipped back into the same comfortable relationship we once had before all this drama and pain, for once life is starting to have some light in and I've decided to be done with the past.

The band is recording new content, a new album which I think out does it predecessor . There new tracks sound amazing. A tour will be in the works, but the band will generally be having a break to self reflect, and foe what its worth and all we've been through Andy needs a break.

After I recovered, luck came my way with shocking  brilliants, I got a new job as an assistant to a CEO of this big building company, which as bad as that sounds means I don't need to lower my standards in the effort for money. I am never going back to that hideous club.

Jax's court case went ahead. He pleaded guilty on all charges, those few days were hard, the hardest of my life but lucky I had Andy supporting me the whole way. When the guard brought Jax out in cuffs and he looked up from the floor as he was pulled along his face curled into a wicked smile aimed in my direction. Andy clutched my hand so tightly I thought it would fall off, him supporting me was as much me supporting him and stopping him from lunging across the court room and killing him.  He was sentence for 3 years jail sentence with no parol. I was shocked at how small the sentence was, the thought of that evil person being back in the public in under 3 years scared me but there was nothing I could do.  The court hearing was hard seeing all the pictures of my fresh injuries from the attach and the damage in my apartment from his attack but I got through it, somehow.

The hard parts of my life have to be behind me, don't they? I hope so. 

Andy's officially my boyfriend again, I guess. We never really talked about it but I see no more of there being a chance he would leave me or I leave him.

Finally we are back to normal...

Andy's Pov:

The steam swelled, rose and swallowed the entire small bathroom up.

I could see Florence's gorgeous body move and turn behind the sand blasted glass door of our shower, she was a goddess that I didn't deserve.

That shower was looking really fucking friendly but I decide not to join her as were in a bit of a hurry to get to the therapist. I finished brushing my teeth and grabbed Florence's towel to hand it to her as she got out of the shower.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now