Chapter 11: Talk of love.

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Florence's Pov:

I get into my room and grab the first two items I see; baggy pj pants with flowers on them and an over sized T-shirt.

He's seen me with nothing no so there's nothing wrong with baggy stuff.

Taking a few deep breaths I attempt to compose myself and try and think of what just happened.

I literally nearly just got kissed by Andy Beirsack, rock singer extraordinaire then he scares the shit out of me by appearing suddenly in my house. One thing leads to another and I'm naked and screaming profanities in my birthday suit.

Well at least now there's nothing to be imagined.

Wow Florence... Really you don't have the guts to kiss a guy but get are cool with him seeing you naked who cares my conscience says.

I mess my hair and look at my self in the mirror. I don't see myself though, I'm red faced,crazy eyed with a goofy smile. Usually I'm sullen and withdrawn, I keep to myself and my music. Andy is changing.

I rush out of my room and walk back to the lounge room where Andy has decided that watching and re-run of a stupid cartoon will fill the time of my absence.


"Oh hi your back." He say a matter of factly.

"Ah yeah" I say sitting down awkwardly not know how I should act after what just happened between us.

Andy's face is so intent on watching the highly childish cartoon. His legs are crossed and he's grinning like an idiot, looks kinda funny really all leather clad and laughing a children's cartoon.

"So what are you watching?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"I believe it's one of them old powder puff episodes." He Says glancing over at me with a smirk.

I laughed a bit, it really had to be that.

"Is there something funny?" He say suddenly looking at me with he large blues He says.

"Ah no there isn't." I said giggling.

After a few minutes of silence andy asked me a question.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He cheeks go red a he pretends not to look at me.

"No I have never had one." I state simply, it's the truth, I've had guys try and flirt with me but never a boyfriend.

"You have to be joking?!" He says turning back to look at me.


"So that's why you've never been kissed before." He says putting two and two together.

"Well yeah I guess."

"Have you.... You know with a guy?" He asked.

"If you mean have I had sex, no" I reply blushing a little.

"Oh wow, you so innocent." He said seductively.

"I wasn't a very attractive teenager." I say sadly.

"Can I see a photo of you in high school." He asked and suddenly I think I'm going to loose the man of my dreams when he sees the photo.

Andy's Pov:

I can't believe she has never been with a guy. It mean I have to go slow with the relationship, softly, I don't want to scare her again. I can't believe how much I like this girl. When her towel dropped I could barely take my eyes off her. Her curvy ample body , the way her hair was tucked behind her ear, her clumsy attempt at picking back up the towel was hilarious. But damn she was hot, I don't know how this girl could ever be ugly, that's why I asked about seeing a photo.

She went to one side of the lounge room where a few bags were stacked and pulled out what looked like a year book.

She walked back lazily while flipping through the pages.

"Ah here I am! When I was in school I didn't really let anyone take photos of me so this is really the only one." She said sitting down next to me closely.

"Here" she said handing me the book.

I scan the two pages and don't see her. She points to a girl with extremely curly red hair, freckles littered on her face, thick awkward glasses. The girl under neath is quite pretty.

"It doesn't look like you?" I ask in hope to know why she has changed so much.

"Well it's kinda a long story. I come from a highly Christian family, very religious, very strict. That's kinda the reason I never had a boyfriend, it wasn't aloud you see. I wasn't allowed to try a new look or dye my hair or wear contacts because supposedly it was against the bible."

"But once I got to uni I experimented, now I wear contacts, I have my hair permanently straighten, got tattoos and wore different clothes. Discover new music new bands and new people." She says grateful to tell some one.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Keep reading and keep smiling every one! 🌻💀🌻💀

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now