Chapter 37: A death, an arrest, an apologie and a baby

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Andy's Pov:

Once I realised I couldn't just storm out of the hospital and find Jax I came back, Tayla would know where he lived, his phone number maybe. So after getting back to the reception lady to call me a cab I went back to Tayla, she was sitting next to a sedated Florence holding her hand tight.

"Tayla?" I say quietly.

Even though I did barge in Tayla jumps half a foot.

" sorry I scared you.." I say apologetically.

"It's ok, I'm just so jumpy lately, every time someone walks through a door I think it's Jax coming to find me." She says looking at the floor.

Now that's another reason I want to kill Jax, for Tayla.

"Um I came back to see if you knew his address, phone number maybe, I have to start somewhere..." I ask.

"Yeah I do." Tayla says passing me her phone.

"It's all in his contact, keep it." Tayla says turning away from me and looking at Florence.

I turn to leave.



"You get back at him for what he's done." She says with such hatred I didn't know she had it in her.

I turn away from Tayla, walking out of the room I have to look one more time at Florence through the small glass panel in the door, Tayla sits lent over her self, crying I assume, holding Florence's unmoving hand. Florence peaceful in her sleep looks nothing like the girl I fell in love with. She's bedraggled, the bruises all yellow and faded making her skin so washed out its unbelievable, her throat bruises still purple and angry, her arms merely bones, her weight is extremely low, when did she eat last? She looks dead. Like something was sucking the energy out of here, the large cuts that are on her legs probably will never heal fully and she'll never be able to forget the pain, her scares will always be there.

Just looking at my angel it makes me shake with angry, Jax did this, to her and to us. He has to pay.

I leave the hospital, my cabs waiting by the curb in the emergency drop off section. When I'm in inside I bring up Jaxs address on Taylas phone.
The cab driver takes off away from the hospital. I have nothing to use if I do find him so I tell the cabby to make a quick detour.


'Gun shop' in massive red letters is in front of me, I told the driver to wait and now here I am going to buy a gun, if I don't use it on Jax I'll give it to Florence to protect herself once she's out of hospital, I suppose.

Inside its like a rednecks paradise, camo items of apparel are everywhere, from boots to bags and all in between. The guns, row after row, all different calibers. Towards the back of the store there's a wall length desk, all the guns lined up behind, stacks and stacks of ammunition are under the the glass desk.

The man behind the desk is as hillbilly as they come, he's missing teeth, a ungroomed beard frames is wrinkled face and guess what he's wearing? Camo, it's like these people want to hide from something.

"Hi'a what do for your'll today?" The guys says with a thick southern accent.

"Um hi, I was looking for a small caliber hand gun to buy.. For self protection." I say shrugging, I know nothing of guns but hope fully this guy does.

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now