Chapter two

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Uma's pov

It's been 3 years since I formed my crew and I managed to make me fear, despite all the teasing from the whole island.
Now I'm at my mother's shop, how much I hate this place, I'm near the television, next to me are Harry and Gil, most of the place is occupied by my crew.  Mal and Evie have just entered, I look at Harry to warn him and he makes a face, I go to them to see what they want, Mal asks for shrimp thinking she is nice, I don't have time to answer her, because my attention shifts to a group of big men  and sturdy, in a suit and tie as soon as I enter the club, I ask him why I'm here and one of them replies:
<We are looking for Miss Mal, Uma and Evie and Messrs Carlos, Jay, Harry Hook and Gil, have been chosen by Prince Benjamin to go to Auradon>.
I look at Harry, then Mal, making a grimace that she reciprocates, the guard asks us if it's us we deny, but Gil, very cleverly, says it's us and the guards take us into a big black limo, full of sweets and candies that  Carlos, Jay and Gil all eat dirty, Mal and I start arguing, Evie rolls her eyes and tastes some chocolate, while Harry takes my side.
We crossed the barrier and we have just arrived, the guards open the car doors and let us get out, in front of us is the king, with the queen next to us, in the center there is their son, the prince and the fairy godmother  ;  they look at us and I find it really irritating and embarrassing, this silence is broken by the prince who welcomes us and makes a speech that I have not listened to, then invites us to enter the school, the Auradon Prep, which we will attend, makes us do a  small tour that then continues a certain Doug, the son of Cucciolo.
They show us the dorms, and unfortunately I'll have to stay in the same room as Mal and Evie, where there are already two spoiled princesses;  instead, Gil and Harry will stay in the room with Jay and Carlos, I don't think I'll last more than two days in this school for princes and princesses, especially if I'm with Mal and Evie.

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