Chapter eleven

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Mal's pov

Yesterday we made the video call with our parents, it was horrible, they started arguing with each other, they looked like children, when we left the Fairy Godmother was really sorry, I would have loved it if things had gone differently.
The new companions are not so bad, they are funny, but they are too polite and happy, it is irritating.
Now I'm going to class, with me there are Carlos, Evie and Jay, they too are sorry for what happened yesterday, even if Jay doesn't show it.
And as if my life couldn't suck anymore, in a week it's my birthday, I can't figure out what there is to celebrate, instead Evie wants to throw me a party, but I won't let her, I hate parties, I hate people and  I hate my birthday.

Uma's pov

When I wake up I go straight to get ready, I want to be alone for a few minutes before going to breakfast with Harry and Gil.
Once I finish getting dressed I go to bed and start thinking, I think yesterday, my mom acted like shit, I think I'm stuck in Auradon now, I think I need to understand how I feel about Harry.
There is a knock on the door and I open it, I see my first officer waiting for me and we go out, once we have breakfast we go to class, there is a new professor, his name is Deley, he is tall, has quite dark hair and blue eyes  .
He introduces himself and says that he will be our Italian teacher, he gives us homework and asks us to do a topic in which we talk about ourselves: what should I say?
I have nothing to say about myself, I have never done anything, since they imprisoned me on that Island, the only interesting thing about me is that I turn into a giant octopus.

Author note

I promise you that the next chapters will be longer, I believe I will update again today, maybe tonight.  The chapters I write will be more and more interesting, now not much is happening, but there will be some very interesting scenes later on, I promise you.

Gaia <3

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