Chapter eighteen

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Evie's pov

When I went to Uma I wanted to console her, I know that she is not my friend and I do not want her to be, things would get too complicated, Mal would get angry and I would be in a bad situation;  But I was sorry that she had to suffer because of Mal (again), so I went to her to let her know I was close to her, but apparently she is not that mad at Mal and she hasn't even been expelled.
She started yelling at me and I felt sad for her, after I ran away I went to Mal, I told her that she had not been expelled and that she will still participate in the lessons, I also told her that the Fairy Godmother had warned her to  who was his father.  I'm not going to tell her anything else, I'm sure that if I told her about her crying and running away, start teasing her right away.

Mal's pov

Evie told me today that Uma hasn't been kicked out of Auradon!  Why?!?  I don't find it right at all!  I made the Fairy Godmother believe that she is dangerous and she treats her even more sweetly.  The nice thing, however, is that she didn't come to class today and she didn't even show up in her room, it's now 5:30 pm and you think I'll only see her tonight at dinner and when she comes to sleep.

Uma's pov

I'm still kneeling on the ground in the woods, I've stopped crying for a while but I don't want to go to my room and hear Carly and Jennifer laugh or take Mal's insults.
I spend almost an hour standing on the wet ground giving nothing, I think about everything that is going on, I think of Harry, I can't understand why it made me so nervous to see him with someone else, I mean, I don't like it,  I can't like it, he's my first mate, nothing more, right?
He starts to live and I understand that I have to go back to school, I get up without wanting to and start walking.
When I enter Auradon prep I meet Harry and Gil, they seem worried so I approach them:
<Uma!  We have been looking for you for an hour!  Where have you been?>
Harry says as soon as he sees me, it makes me a little happier knowing he was worried about me:
<Oh ... I was in the woods, I needed to be alone for a while.>
I answer, I don't want to tell him about the meeting with Evie or about my "crises".  Harry and Gil walk me to my room and also ask me if I wanted to be with them, I say no and greet them outside my room door.  When I enter Evie looks at me with a sad smile and greets me with her hand, Mal makes a face that I reciprocate and Jennifer and Carly greet me happily:
<Hi Uma!  How are you?  What did the principal want this morning?  Why didn't you come to the next lessons?> The little princesses say in chorus.
<Even if I would pray on my knees I won't tell you anything, it's none of your business!> They seem sad but I don't care, they just want to mind my own business and go and tell everyone.
I go to lie down on the bed and open a book of spells, inside I open my father's letter so as not to show it to the others, I start reading:

"Hi Uma,
if you are reading this letter most likely i will be dead, i hope your mother told you about me, and that you are okay, i don't know why i am writing you this letter in reality, i just want to let you know about my existence, although i believe that already  do you know.  I love you.

With love

I read it so many times that I learn it, at one point Evie says:
<Uma.  We're going out.  She is dinner time.  Is everything okay?> I look around and realize that there is only her and me left in the room, I answer with a simple <Yes> and she goes out.
I look at the time: it's 8:15 pm, I go out and have dinner, I sit next to Harry and Gil and eat as fast as possible, I want to go back to my room right away and put an end to this day.
When all three of us have finally finished eating, I jump up and go to my room, which I find empty, the others will still be at the table, I greet my friends and immediately go to bed, after a few minutes I fall asleep.

Author note

Hello <3
How are you?  I hope you enjoy the chapter, I will try to update this week but I don't know if I will have time.


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