chapter twenty two

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Mal's pov

As soon as the lessons are over Evie takes me to the room and says she has a surprise for me, I, unwillingly, go to the room and she gives me a big green box, I open it slowly and inside I find a beautiful leather jacket, it's all black  , except for decorations on the arms which are gilded.  I thank Evie and let's go eat, I'm wearing the new jacket and my friend looks really happy that I enjoyed her gift.
I have decided that I will tell everyone I know about the nickname I gave Uma, on the Island on my birthday it was a tradition to make fun of her.  After lunch I go to the room where I find Jen and Carly, I tell them about the nickname and we start laughing then I say:
<Just to let you know, it's no secret, on the contrary, the more people know it the better> I smile and go out, the two girls laugh.
I think my birthday couldn't have been better.

Uma's pov

Not wanting to be in the same room as Mal on her birthday, I went to the boys and then to the Black Pearl, when I go back to my room before dinner, I see Jennifer and Carly looking at me and bursting out laughing, I approach them and ask:
<Is something wrong?>
<No no, sorry> Carly says, then Jennifer continues her sister's sentence:
<christmas> they both start laughing and I get more and more nervous.
I swear if I see Mal I will kill her.  How could she do it ?!  I know she hates me, and the feeling is reciprocated, but this is just too much.  I run back to Harry and Gil's room and start knocking:
I start knocking without interruption and finally someone opens for me: Jay is on the threshold of the door and I rush inside without even saying goodbye, I immediately find Harry who goes over his eyeliner on the bed and Gil who asks Carlos if Dude's puppies could talk  .
<Come with me now.> I say
<Hello to you too eh> Gil replies
<N-nothing nothing>
Let's go running on my ship and I tell what happened to my friends, Gil doesn't say anything, instead Harry speaks:
<Don't worry, maybe only they know, you can threaten them and they won't tell anyone>
<Those two are spoiled and gossipy princesses, do you think they haven't already said that?  Listen, my life sucks both on the Island and here in Auradon, I have to get over it.> I say sad.

Sorry if I haven't published, but the school is keeping me very busy right now.  The next chapter will come shortly.

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