Chapter sixteen

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Uma's pov

I go to Harry and Gil and tell him everything, the tears threaten to fall, but then Gil asks me the story of Davy Jones, how does he not know it ?!
I start talking:
<Davy Jones was a pirate, the captain of the Black Pearl (the ship of Pirates of the Caribbean), once however, he fell in love with the goddess Calypso, in this case my mother is her, in fact my mother is a goddess too, anyway  , my father fell in love with Calypso who made him immortal to be able to live forever with her, but they had made a pact, he had to guard the dead, which he did not do and became one of the most feared pirates but, not having  kept the pact, he was bewitched by Calypso: many tentacles appeared on his face, his command became a claw and his crew was also transformed.  Davy Jones, considering Calypso a traitor by now, but continuing to love her, took his heart out of his chest and put it in the chest, her key kept in the tentacles, he thought it was the best thing to do, but it was not.
Once he made a deal with Captain Jack Sparrow, he would give him his ship for 10 years, Jack could have been his captain all that time, but in exchange he had to hand himself over to my father, when the 20 years passed, Jack Sparrow did not  he wanted to give himself up, so there was 1000 souls to give in exchange for his, including that of his friend, Will Turner.  But then there was a battle, they killed Will, they could save him only by having Davy Jones kill him, so he would become immortal, but he could only touch the ground once every 10 years;  so, they took my father's heart, Jack Sparrow helped Will stick his sword inside him, and Davy Jones died.>
Gil seemed to have regretted asking his story, he hugged me, but I walked away from him right away, I don't like hugs.
The bell rings, Harry and Gil get up and go to the classroom, but as Gil turned the corner, Harry walked over to me and whispered in my ear:
<I'm sorry for your father.  If you want I am there and I will always be there for you.>
His voice was not "crazy", but sweet, I nodded smiling and he walked away, it had lifted my spirits a little to know that I had someone to let off steam with.

Author note

Sorry if the chapter is short, the next ones will be longer.
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Gaia <3

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